Sponsors and Partners ===================== * `Parisson `_ * `CNRS `_ (National Center of Science Research, France) * `Huma-Num `_ (big data equipment for digital humanities, ex TGE Adonis) * `CREM `_ (french National Center of Ethomusicology Research, France) * `Université Pierre et Marie Curie `_ (UPMC Paris, France) * `ANR `_ (CONTINT 2012 project : DIADEMS) * `MNHN `_ : Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris, France) Related projects ================= * `Telemeta `__ : open web audio platform * `Sound archives `_ of the CNRS, CREM and the "Musée de l'Homme" in Paris, France. * The `DIADEMS project `_ sponsored by the ANR.