telemeta.models.query module
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Samalyse SARL # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Parisson SARL # # This file is part of Telemeta. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # Authors: Olivier Guilyardi <> # David LIPSZYC <> # Guillaume Pellerin <> from django.conf import settings from django.db.models import Q, Max, Min from telemeta.models.core import * from telemeta.util.unaccent import unaccent, unaccent_icmp from telemeta.models.enum import EthnicGroup import re engine = settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] class MediaItemQuerySet(CoreQuerySet): "Base class for all media item query sets" def quick_search(self, pattern): "Perform a quick search on code, title and collector name" # from import MediaItem # pattern = pattern.strip() # mod = MediaItem() # fields = mod.to_dict() # keys = fields.keys() # q = self.by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern) # for field in keys: # field_str = str(mod._meta.get_field(field)) # if 'CharField' in field_str or 'TextField' in field_str: # q = q | word_search_q(field, pattern) q = ( Q(code__contains=pattern) | Q(old_code__contains=pattern) | word_search_q('title', pattern) | word_search_q('comment', pattern) | self.by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern) ) return self.filter(q) def without_collection(self): "Find items which do not belong to any collection" return self.extra( where = ["collection_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM media_collections)"]); def by_public_id(self, public_id): "Find items by public_id" return self.filter(public_id=public_id) def by_recording_date(self, from_date, to_date = None): "Find items by recording date" if to_date is None: return (self.filter(recorded_from_date__lte=from_date, recorded_to_date__gte=from_date)) else : return (self.filter(Q(recorded_from_date__range=(from_date, to_date)) | Q(recorded_to_date__range=(from_date, to_date)))) def by_title(self, pattern): "Find items by title" # to (sort of) sync with return self.filter(word_search_q("title", pattern) | (Q(title="") & word_search_q("collection__title", pattern))) def by_publish_year(self, from_year, to_year = None): "Find items by publishing year" if to_year is None: to_year = from_year return self.filter(collection__year_published__range=(from_year, to_year)) def by_change_time(self, from_time = None, until_time = None): "Find items by last change time" return self._by_change_time('item', from_time, until_time) def by_location(self, location): "Find items by location" return self.filter(location__in=location.apparented()) @staticmethod def __name_cmp(obj1, obj2): return unaccent_icmp(, def locations(self): from telemeta.models import Location, LocationRelation l = self.values('location') c = self.values('location__current_location') r = LocationRelation.objects.filter(location__in=l).values('ancestor_location') return Location.objects.filter(Q(pk__in=l) | Q(pk__in=r) | Q(pk__in=c)) def countries(self, group_by_continent=False): countries = [] from telemeta.models import Location for id in self.filter(location__isnull=False).values_list('location', flat=True).distinct(): location = Location.objects.get(pk=id) for l in location.countries(): c = l.current_location if not c in countries: countries.append(c) if group_by_continent: grouped = {} for country in countries: for continent in country.continents(): if not grouped.has_key(continent): grouped[continent] = [] grouped[continent].append(country) keys = grouped.keys() keys.sort(self.__name_cmp) ordered = [] for c in keys: grouped[c].sort(self.__name_cmp) ordered.append({'continent': c, 'countries': grouped[c]}) countries = ordered else: countries.sort(self.__name_cmp) return countries def virtual(self, *args): qs = self need_collection = False related = [] from telemeta.models import Location for f in args: if f == 'apparent_collector': if not 'sqlite3' in engine and not 'postgresql_psycopg2' in engine: related.append('collection') qs = qs.extra(select={f: 'IF(collector_from_collection, ' 'IF(media_collections.collector_is_creator, ' 'media_collections.creator, ' 'media_collections.collector),' 'media_items.collector)'}) elif f == 'country_or_continent': related.append('location') if not 'sqlite3' in engine and not 'postgresql_psycopg2' in engine: qs = qs.extra(select={f: 'IF(locations.type = ' + str(Location.COUNTRY) + ' ' 'OR locations.type = ' + str(Location.CONTINENT) + ',' ', ' '(SELECT FROM location_relations AS r INNER JOIN locations AS l2 ' 'ON r.ancestor_location_id = ' 'WHERE r.location_id = media_items.location_id AND l2.type = ' + str(Location.COUNTRY) + ' LIMIT 1))' }) else: raise Exception("Unsupported virtual field: %s" % f) if related: qs = qs.select_related(*related) return qs def ethnic_groups(self): ids = self.filter(ethnic_group__isnull=False).values('ethnic_group'); return EthnicGroup.objects.filter(pk__in=ids) @staticmethod def by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern): return (word_search_q('collection__creator', pattern) | word_search_q('collection__collector', pattern) | word_search_q('collector', pattern)) def by_fuzzy_collector(self, pattern): return self.filter(self.by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern)) def sound(self): return self.filter(Q(file__contains='/') | Q(url__contains='/')) def sound_public(self): return self.filter(Q(file__contains='/') | Q(url__contains='/'), public_access='full', collection__public_access='full') def by_instrument(self, name): "Find items by instrument" from telemeta.models.instrument import Instrument, InstrumentAlias from telemeta.models.item import MediaItemPerformance instruments = Instrument.objects.filter(name__icontains=name) aliases = InstrumentAlias.objects.filter(name__icontains=name) perf = [] performances = MediaItemPerformance.objects.filter(Q(instrument__in=instruments) | Q(alias__in=aliases)) for performance in performances: perf.append(performance) return self.filter(performances__in=perf).distinct() class MediaItemManager(CoreManager): "Manage media items queries" def get_query_set(self): "Return media query sets" return MediaItemQuerySet(self.model) def enriched(self): "Query set with additional virtual fields such as apparent_collector and country_or_continent" return self.get_query_set().virtual('apparent_collector', 'country_or_continent') def quick_search(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().quick_search(*args, **kwargs) quick_search.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.quick_search.__doc__ def without_collection(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().without_collection(*args, **kwargs) without_collection.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.without_collection.__doc__ def by_recording_date(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_recording_date(*args, **kwargs) by_recording_date.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.by_recording_date.__doc__ def by_title(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_title(*args, **kwargs) by_title.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.by_title.__doc__ def by_publish_year(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_publish_year(*args, **kwargs) by_publish_year.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.by_publish_year.__doc__ def by_change_time(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_change_time(*args, **kwargs) by_change_time.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.by_change_time.__doc__ def by_location(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_location(*args, **kwargs) by_location.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.by_location.__doc__ def sound(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().sound(*args, **kwargs) sound.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.sound.__doc__ def sound_public(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().sound_public(*args, **kwargs) sound_public.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.sound_public.__doc__ def by_instrument(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_instrument(*args, **kwargs) by_instrument.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.by_instrument.__doc__ class MediaCollectionQuerySet(CoreQuerySet): def quick_search(self, pattern): "Perform a quick search on code, title and collector name" from telemeta.models.collection import MediaCollection pattern = pattern.strip() mod = MediaCollection() fields = mod.to_dict() keys = fields.keys() q = self.by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern) for field in keys: field_str = str(mod._meta.get_field(field)) if 'CharField' in field_str or 'TextField' in field_str: q = q | word_search_q(field, pattern) return self.filter(q) def by_location(self, location): "Find collections by location" return self.filter(items__location__in=location.apparented()).distinct() def by_recording_year(self, from_year, to_year=None): "Find collections by recording year" if to_year is None: return (self.filter(recorded_from_year__lte=from_year, recorded_to_year__gte=from_year)) else: return (self.filter(Q(recorded_from_year__range=(from_year, to_year)) | Q(recorded_to_year__range=(from_year, to_year)))) def by_publish_year(self, from_year, to_year=None): "Find collections by publishing year" if to_year is None: to_year = from_year return self.filter(year_published__range=(from_year, to_year)) def by_ethnic_group(self, group): "Find collections by ethnic group" return self.filter(items__ethnic_group=group).distinct() def by_change_time(self, from_time=None, until_time=None): "Find collections between two dates" return self._by_change_time('collection', from_time, until_time) def virtual(self, *args): qs = self for f in args: if f == 'apparent_collector': if not 'sqlite3' in engine and not 'postgresql_psycopg2' in engine: qs = qs.extra(select={f: 'IF(media_collections.collector_is_creator, ' 'media_collections.creator, media_collections.collector)'}) else: raise Exception("Unsupported virtual field: %s" % f) return qs def recording_year_range(self): from_max = self.aggregate(Max('recorded_from_year'))['recorded_from_year__max'] to_max = self.aggregate(Max('recorded_to_year'))['recorded_to_year__max'] year_max = max(from_max, to_max) from_min = self.filter(recorded_from_year__gt=0).aggregate(Min('recorded_from_year'))['recorded_from_year__min'] to_min = self.filter(recorded_to_year__gt=0).aggregate(Min('recorded_to_year'))['recorded_to_year__min'] year_min = min(from_min, to_min) if not year_max: year_max = year_min elif not year_min: year_min = year_max return year_min, year_max def publishing_year_range(self): year_max = self.aggregate(Max('year_published'))['year_published__max'] year_min = self.filter(year_published__gt=0).aggregate(Min('year_published'))['year_published__min'] return year_min, year_max @staticmethod def by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern): return word_search_q('creator', pattern) | word_search_q('collector', pattern) def by_fuzzy_collector(self, pattern): return self.filter(self.by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern)) def sound(self): return self.filter(Q(items__file__contains='/') | Q(items__url__contains='/')).distinct() def by_instrument(self, name): "Find collections by instrument" from telemeta.models.item import MediaItemPerformance from telemeta.models.instrument import Instrument, InstrumentAlias instruments = Instrument.objects.filter(name__icontains=name) aliases = InstrumentAlias.objects.filter(name__icontains=name) items = [] performances = MediaItemPerformance.objects.filter(Q(instrument__in=instruments) | Q(alias__in=aliases)) for performance in performances: items.append(performance.media_item) return self.filter(items__in=items).distinct() class MediaCollectionManager(CoreManager): "Manage collection queries" def get_query_set(self): "Return the collection query" return MediaCollectionQuerySet(self.model) def enriched(self): "Query set with additional virtual fields such as apparent_collector" return self.get_query_set().virtual('apparent_collector') def quick_search(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().quick_search(*args, **kwargs) quick_search.__doc__ = MediaCollectionQuerySet.quick_search.__doc__ def by_location(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_location(*args, **kwargs) by_location.__doc__ = MediaCollectionQuerySet.by_location.__doc__ def by_recording_year(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_recording_year(*args, **kwargs) by_recording_year.__doc__ = MediaCollectionQuerySet.by_recording_year.__doc__ def by_publish_year(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_publish_year(*args, **kwargs) by_publish_year.__doc__ = MediaCollectionQuerySet.by_publish_year.__doc__ def by_ethnic_group(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_ethnic_group(*args, **kwargs) by_ethnic_group.__doc__ = MediaCollectionQuerySet.by_ethnic_group.__doc__ def by_change_time(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_change_time(*args, **kwargs) by_change_time.__doc__ = MediaCollectionQuerySet.by_change_time.__doc__ @staticmethod def __name_cmp(obj1, obj2): return unaccent_icmp(, def sound(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().sound(*args, **kwargs) sound.__doc__ = MediaCollectionQuerySet.sound.__doc__ def by_instrument(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_instrument(*args, **kwargs) by_instrument.__doc__ = MediaCollectionQuerySet.by_instrument.__doc__ class LocationQuerySet(CoreQuerySet): __flatname_map = None def by_flatname(self, flatname): map = self.flatname_map() return self.filter(pk=map[flatname]) def flatname_map(self): if self.__class__.__flatname_map: return self.__class__.__flatname_map map = {} locations = self.filter(Q(type=self.model.COUNTRY) | Q(type=self.model.CONTINENT)) for l in locations: flatname = unaccent( flatname = re.sub('[^a-z]', '_', flatname) while map.has_key(flatname): flatname = '_' + flatname map[flatname] = self.__class__.__flatname_map = map return map def current(self): return self.filter(id__in=self.values_list('current_location_id', flat=True)).distinct() class LocationManager(CoreManager): def get_query_set(self): "Return location query set" return LocationQuerySet(self.model) def by_flatname(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_flatname(*args, **kwargs) by_flatname.__doc__ = LocationQuerySet.by_flatname.__doc__ def flatname_map(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().flatname_map(*args, **kwargs) flatname_map.__doc__ = LocationQuerySet.flatname_map.__doc__ class MediaCorpusQuerySet(CoreQuerySet): "Base class for all media resource query sets" def quick_search(self, pattern): "Perform a quick search on text and char fields" from telemeta.models.corpus import MediaCorpus mod = MediaCorpus() pattern = pattern.strip() q = Q(code__contains=pattern) fields = mod.to_dict() keys = fields.keys() for field in keys: field_str = str(mod._meta.get_field(field)) if 'CharField' in field_str or 'TextField' in field_str: q = q | word_search_q(field, pattern) return self.filter(q) class MediaCorpusManager(CoreManager): "Manage media resource queries" def get_query_set(self): "Return resource query sets" return MediaCorpusQuerySet(self.model) def quick_search(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().quick_search(*args, **kwargs) quick_search.__doc__ = MediaCorpusQuerySet.quick_search.__doc__ class MediaFondsQuerySet(CoreQuerySet): "Base class for all media resource query sets" def quick_search(self, pattern): "Perform a quick search on text and char fields" from telemeta.models.fonds import MediaFonds mod = MediaFonds() pattern = pattern.strip() q = Q(code__contains=pattern) fields = mod.to_dict() keys = fields.keys() for field in keys: field_str = str(mod._meta.get_field(field)) if 'CharField' in field_str or 'TextField' in field_str: q = q | word_search_q(field, pattern) return self.filter(q) class MediaFondsManager(CoreManager): "Manage media resource queries" def get_query_set(self): "Return resource query sets" return MediaFondsQuerySet(self.model) def quick_search(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().quick_search(*args, **kwargs) quick_search.__doc__ = MediaFondsQuerySet.quick_search.__doc__ class InstrumentQuerySet(CoreQuerySet): "Base class for all media instrument query sets" def quick_search(self, pattern): "Perform a quick search on text and char fields" from telemeta.models.instrument import Instrument mod = Instrument() pattern = pattern.strip() q = Q(code__contains=pattern) fields = mod.to_dict() keys = fields.keys() for field in keys: field_str = str(mod._meta.get_field(field)) if 'CharField' in field_str or 'TextField' in field_str: q = q | word_search_q(field, pattern) return self.filter(q) class InstrumentManager(CoreManager): "Manage instrument queries" def get_query_set(self): "Return instrument query sets" return InstrumentQuerySet(self.model) def quick_search(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().quick_search(*args, **kwargs) quick_search.__doc__ = InstrumentQuerySet.quick_search.__doc__
Module variables
var app_name
var code_linesep
var default_decoding
var default_encoding
var engine
var eol
var ext
var mime_type
var private_extra_types
var public_extra_types
var strict_code
class InstrumentManager
Manage instrument queries
class InstrumentManager(CoreManager): "Manage instrument queries" def get_query_set(self): "Return instrument query sets" return InstrumentQuerySet(self.model) def quick_search(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().quick_search(*args, **kwargs) quick_search.__doc__ = InstrumentQuerySet.quick_search.__doc__
Ancestors (in MRO)
- InstrumentManager
- telemeta.models.core.CoreManager
- telemeta.models.core.EnhancedManager
- django.db.models.manager.Manager
- __builtin__.object
Class variables
var creation_counter
Instance variables
var db
def __init__(
def __init__(self): super(Manager, self).__init__() self._set_creation_counter() self.model = None self._inherited = False self._db = None
def aggregate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def aggregate(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().aggregate(*args, **kwargs)
def all(
def all(self): return self.get_queryset()
def annotate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().annotate(*args, **kwargs)
def bulk_create(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def bulk_create(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().bulk_create(*args, **kwargs)
def complex_filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def complex_filter(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().complex_filter(*args, **kwargs)
def contribute_to_class(
self, model, name)
def contribute_to_class(self, model, name): # TODO: Use weakref because of possible memory leak / circular reference. self.model = model # Only contribute the manager if the model is concrete if model._meta.abstract: setattr(model, name, AbstractManagerDescriptor(model)) elif model._meta.swapped: setattr(model, name, SwappedManagerDescriptor(model)) else: # if not model._meta.abstract and not model._meta.swapped: setattr(model, name, ManagerDescriptor(self)) if not getattr(model, '_default_manager', None) or self.creation_counter < model._default_manager.creation_counter: model._default_manager = self if model._meta.abstract or (self._inherited and not self.model._meta.proxy): model._meta.abstract_managers.append((self.creation_counter, name, self)) else: model._meta.concrete_managers.append((self.creation_counter, name, self))
def count(
def count(self): return self.get_queryset().count()
def create(
self, **kwargs)
def create(self, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().create(**kwargs)
def dates(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def dates(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().dates(*args, **kwargs)
def datetimes(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def datetimes(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().datetimes(*args, **kwargs)
def db_manager(
self, using)
def db_manager(self, using): obj = copy.copy(self) obj._db = using return obj
def defer(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def defer(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().defer(*args, **kwargs)
def distinct(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def distinct(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().distinct(*args, **kwargs)
def earliest(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def earliest(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().earliest(*args, **kwargs)
def exclude(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def exclude(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().exclude(*args, **kwargs)
def exists(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def exists(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().exists(*args, **kwargs)
def extra(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def extra(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().extra(*args, **kwargs)
def filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().filter(*args, **kwargs)
def first(
def first(self): return self.get_queryset().first()
def get(
self, **kwargs)
def get(self, **kwargs): if kwargs.has_key('public_id'): try: args = kwargs.copy() args['code'] = kwargs['public_id'] args.pop('public_id') return super(CoreManager, self).get(**args) except ObjectDoesNotExist: args = kwargs.copy() args['id'] = kwargs['public_id'] args.pop('public_id') return super(CoreManager, self).get(**args) return super(CoreManager, self).get(**kwargs)
def get_or_create(
self, **kwargs)
def get_or_create(self, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().get_or_create(**kwargs)
def get_query_set(
*args, **kwargs)
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "`%s.%s` is deprecated, use `%s` instead." % (self.class_name, self.old_method_name, self.new_method_name), self.deprecation_warning, 2) return f(*args, **kwargs)
def get_queryset(
Return instrument query sets
def get_query_set(self): "Return instrument query sets" return InstrumentQuerySet(self.model)
def in_bulk(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def in_bulk(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().in_bulk(*args, **kwargs)
def iterator(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def iterator(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().iterator(*args, **kwargs)
def last(
def last(self): return self.get_queryset().last()
def latest(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def latest(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().latest(*args, **kwargs)
def none(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def none(self, *args, **kwargs): "" return self.get_query_set().none(*args, **kwargs)
def only(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def only(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().only(*args, **kwargs)
def order_by(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def order_by(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().order_by(*args, **kwargs)
def quick_search(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Perform a quick search on text and char fields
def quick_search(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().quick_search(*args, **kwargs)
def raw(
self, raw_query, params=None, *args, **kwargs)
def raw(self, raw_query, params=None, *args, **kwargs): return RawQuerySet(raw_query=raw_query, model=self.model, params=params, using=self._db, *args, **kwargs)
def reverse(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def reverse(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().reverse(*args, **kwargs)
def select_for_update(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def select_for_update(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().select_for_update(*args, **kwargs)
def update(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def update(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().update(*args, **kwargs)
def using(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def using(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().using(*args, **kwargs)
def values(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def values(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().values(*args, **kwargs)
def values_list(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def values_list(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().values_list(*args, **kwargs)
class InstrumentQuerySet
Base class for all media instrument query sets
class InstrumentQuerySet(CoreQuerySet): "Base class for all media instrument query sets" def quick_search(self, pattern): "Perform a quick search on text and char fields" from telemeta.models.instrument import Instrument mod = Instrument() pattern = pattern.strip() q = Q(code__contains=pattern) fields = mod.to_dict() keys = fields.keys() for field in keys: field_str = str(mod._meta.get_field(field)) if 'CharField' in field_str or 'TextField' in field_str: q = q | word_search_q(field, pattern) return self.filter(q)
Ancestors (in MRO)
- InstrumentQuerySet
- telemeta.models.core.CoreQuerySet
- telemeta.models.core.EnhancedQuerySet
- django.db.models.query.QuerySet
- __builtin__.object
Class variables
var value_annotation
Instance variables
var db
Return the database that will be used if this query is executed now
var ordered
Returns True if the QuerySet is ordered -- i.e. has an order_by() clause or a default ordering on the model.
def __init__(
self, model=None, query=None, using=None)
def __init__(self, model=None, query=None, using=None): self.model = model self._db = using self.query = query or sql.Query(self.model) self._result_cache = None self._sticky_filter = False self._for_write = False self._prefetch_related_lookups = [] self._prefetch_done = False self._known_related_objects = {} # {rel_field, {pk: rel_obj}}
def aggregate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a dictionary containing the calculations (aggregation) over the current queryset
If args is present the expression is passed as a kwarg using the Aggregate object's default alias.
def aggregate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a dictionary containing the calculations (aggregation) over the current queryset If args is present the expression is passed as a kwarg using the Aggregate object's default alias. """ if self.query.distinct_fields: raise NotImplementedError("aggregate() + distinct(fields) not implemented.") for arg in args: kwargs[arg.default_alias] = arg query = self.query.clone() for (alias, aggregate_expr) in kwargs.items(): query.add_aggregate(aggregate_expr, self.model, alias, is_summary=True) return query.get_aggregation(using=self.db)
def all(
Returns a new QuerySet that is a copy of the current one. This allows a QuerySet to proxy for a model manager in some cases.
def all(self): """ Returns a new QuerySet that is a copy of the current one. This allows a QuerySet to proxy for a model manager in some cases. """ return self._clone()
def annotate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Return a query set in which the returned objects have been annotated with data aggregated from related fields.
def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return a query set in which the returned objects have been annotated with data aggregated from related fields. """ for arg in args: if arg.default_alias in kwargs: raise ValueError("The named annotation '%s' conflicts with the " "default name for another annotation." % arg.default_alias) kwargs[arg.default_alias] = arg names = getattr(self, '_fields', None) if names is None: names = set(self.model._meta.get_all_field_names()) for aggregate in kwargs: if aggregate in names: raise ValueError("The annotation '%s' conflicts with a field on " "the model." % aggregate) obj = self._clone() obj._setup_aggregate_query(list(kwargs)) # Add the aggregates to the query for (alias, aggregate_expr) in kwargs.items(): obj.query.add_aggregate(aggregate_expr, self.model, alias, is_summary=False) return obj
def bulk_create(
self, objs, batch_size=None)
Inserts each of the instances into the database. This does not call save() on each of the instances, does not send any pre/post save signals, and does not set the primary key attribute if it is an autoincrement field.
def bulk_create(self, objs, batch_size=None): """ Inserts each of the instances into the database. This does *not* call save() on each of the instances, does not send any pre/post save signals, and does not set the primary key attribute if it is an autoincrement field. """ # So this case is fun. When you bulk insert you don't get the primary # keys back (if it's an autoincrement), so you can't insert into the # child tables which references this. There are two workarounds, 1) # this could be implemented if you didn't have an autoincrement pk, # and 2) you could do it by doing O(n) normal inserts into the parent # tables to get the primary keys back, and then doing a single bulk # insert into the childmost table. Some databases might allow doing # this by using RETURNING clause for the insert query. We're punting # on these for now because they are relatively rare cases. assert batch_size is None or batch_size > 0 if self.model._meta.parents: raise ValueError("Can't bulk create an inherited model") if not objs: return objs self._for_write = True connection = connections[self.db] fields = self.model._meta.local_concrete_fields with transaction.commit_on_success_unless_managed(using=self.db): if (connection.features.can_combine_inserts_with_and_without_auto_increment_pk and self.model._meta.has_auto_field): self._batched_insert(objs, fields, batch_size) else: objs_with_pk, objs_without_pk = partition(lambda o: is None, objs) if objs_with_pk: self._batched_insert(objs_with_pk, fields, batch_size) if objs_without_pk: fields= [f for f in fields if not isinstance(f, AutoField)] self._batched_insert(objs_without_pk, fields, batch_size) return objs
def complex_filter(
self, filter_obj)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with filter_obj added to the filters.
filter_obj can be a Q object (or anything with an add_to_query() method) or a dictionary of keyword lookup arguments.
This exists to support framework features such as 'limit_choices_to', and usually it will be more natural to use other methods.
def complex_filter(self, filter_obj): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with filter_obj added to the filters. filter_obj can be a Q object (or anything with an add_to_query() method) or a dictionary of keyword lookup arguments. This exists to support framework features such as 'limit_choices_to', and usually it will be more natural to use other methods. """ if isinstance(filter_obj, Q) or hasattr(filter_obj, 'add_to_query'): clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_q(filter_obj) return clone else: return self._filter_or_exclude(None, **filter_obj)
def count(
Performs a SELECT COUNT() and returns the number of records as an integer.
If the QuerySet is already fully cached this simply returns the length of the cached results set to avoid multiple SELECT COUNT(*) calls.
def count(self): """ Performs a SELECT COUNT() and returns the number of records as an integer. If the QuerySet is already fully cached this simply returns the length of the cached results set to avoid multiple SELECT COUNT(*) calls. """ if self._result_cache is not None: return len(self._result_cache) return self.query.get_count(using=self.db)
def create(
self, **kwargs)
Creates a new object with the given kwargs, saving it to the database and returning the created object.
def create(self, **kwargs): """ Creates a new object with the given kwargs, saving it to the database and returning the created object. """ obj = self.model(**kwargs) self._for_write = True, using=self.db) return obj
def dates(
self, field_name, kind, order='ASC')
Returns a list of date objects representing all available dates for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'.
def dates(self, field_name, kind, order='ASC'): """ Returns a list of date objects representing all available dates for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'. """ assert kind in ("year", "month", "day"), \ "'kind' must be one of 'year', 'month' or 'day'." assert order in ('ASC', 'DESC'), \ "'order' must be either 'ASC' or 'DESC'." return self._clone(klass=DateQuerySet, setup=True, _field_name=field_name, _kind=kind, _order=order)
def datetimes(
self, field_name, kind, order='ASC', tzinfo=None)
Returns a list of datetime objects representing all available datetimes for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'.
def datetimes(self, field_name, kind, order='ASC', tzinfo=None): """ Returns a list of datetime objects representing all available datetimes for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'. """ assert kind in ("year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"), \ "'kind' must be one of 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute' or 'second'." assert order in ('ASC', 'DESC'), \ "'order' must be either 'ASC' or 'DESC'." if settings.USE_TZ: if tzinfo is None: tzinfo = timezone.get_current_timezone() else: tzinfo = None return self._clone(klass=DateTimeQuerySet, setup=True, _field_name=field_name, _kind=kind, _order=order, _tzinfo=tzinfo)
def defer(
self, *fields)
Defers the loading of data for certain fields until they are accessed. The set of fields to defer is added to any existing set of deferred fields. The only exception to this is if None is passed in as the only parameter, in which case all deferrals are removed (None acts as a reset option).
def defer(self, *fields): """ Defers the loading of data for certain fields until they are accessed. The set of fields to defer is added to any existing set of deferred fields. The only exception to this is if None is passed in as the only parameter, in which case all deferrals are removed (None acts as a reset option). """ clone = self._clone() if fields == (None,): clone.query.clear_deferred_loading() else: clone.query.add_deferred_loading(fields) return clone
def delete(
def delete(self): CHUNK=1024 objects = self.model._meta.get_all_related_objects() ii = self.count() values = self.values_list('pk') for related in objects: i = 0 while i < ii: ids = [v[0] for v in values[i:i + CHUNK]] filter = { + '__pk__in': ids} q = related.model.objects.filter(**filter) if isinstance(related.field, WeakForeignKey): update = { None} q.update(**update) else: q.delete() i += CHUNK super(EnhancedQuerySet, self).delete()
def distinct(
self, *field_names)
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select only distinct results.
def distinct(self, *field_names): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select only distinct results. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot create distinct fields once a slice has been taken." obj = self._clone() obj.query.add_distinct_fields(*field_names) return obj
def earliest(
self, field_name=None)
def earliest(self, field_name=None): return self._earliest_or_latest(field_name=field_name, direction="")
def exclude(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with NOT (args) ANDed to the existing set.
def exclude(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with NOT (args) ANDed to the existing set. """ return self._filter_or_exclude(True, *args, **kwargs)
def exists(
def exists(self): if self._result_cache is None: return self.query.has_results(using=self.db) return bool(self._result_cache)
def extra(
self, select=None, where=None, params=None, tables=None, order_by=None, select_params=None)
Adds extra SQL fragments to the query.
def extra(self, select=None, where=None, params=None, tables=None, order_by=None, select_params=None): """ Adds extra SQL fragments to the query. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot change a query once a slice has been taken" clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_extra(select, select_params, where, params, tables, order_by) return clone
def filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with the args ANDed to the existing set.
def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with the args ANDed to the existing set. """ return self._filter_or_exclude(False, *args, **kwargs)
def first(
Returns the first object of a query, returns None if no match is found.
def first(self): """ Returns the first object of a query, returns None if no match is found. """ qs = self if self.ordered else self.order_by('pk') try: return qs[0] except IndexError: return None
def get(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Performs the query and returns a single object matching the given keyword arguments.
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Performs the query and returns a single object matching the given keyword arguments. """ clone = self.filter(*args, **kwargs) if self.query.can_filter(): clone = clone.order_by() num = len(clone) if num == 1: return clone._result_cache[0] if not num: raise self.model.DoesNotExist( "%s matching query does not exist." % self.model._meta.object_name) raise self.model.MultipleObjectsReturned( "get() returned more than one %s -- it returned %s!" % (self.model._meta.object_name, num))
def get_or_create(
self, **kwargs)
Looks up an object with the given kwargs, creating one if necessary. Returns a tuple of (object, created), where created is a boolean specifying whether an object was created.
def get_or_create(self, **kwargs): """ Looks up an object with the given kwargs, creating one if necessary. Returns a tuple of (object, created), where created is a boolean specifying whether an object was created. """ defaults = kwargs.pop('defaults', {}) lookup = kwargs.copy() for f in self.model._meta.fields: if f.attname in lookup: lookup[] = lookup.pop(f.attname) try: self._for_write = True return self.get(**lookup), False except self.model.DoesNotExist: try: params = dict((k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if LOOKUP_SEP not in k) params.update(defaults) obj = self.model(**params) with transaction.atomic(using=self.db):, using=self.db) return obj, True except DatabaseError: exc_info = sys.exc_info() try: return self.get(**lookup), False except self.model.DoesNotExist: # Re-raise the DatabaseError with its original traceback. six.reraise(*exc_info)
def in_bulk(
self, id_list)
Returns a dictionary mapping each of the given IDs to the object with that ID.
def in_bulk(self, id_list): """ Returns a dictionary mapping each of the given IDs to the object with that ID. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot use 'limit' or 'offset' with in_bulk" if not id_list: return {} qs = self.filter(pk__in=id_list).order_by() return dict([(obj._get_pk_val(), obj) for obj in qs])
def iterator(
An iterator over the results from applying this QuerySet to the database.
def iterator(self): """ An iterator over the results from applying this QuerySet to the database. """ fill_cache = False if connections[self.db].features.supports_select_related: fill_cache = self.query.select_related if isinstance(fill_cache, dict): requested = fill_cache else: requested = None max_depth = self.query.max_depth extra_select = list(self.query.extra_select) aggregate_select = list(self.query.aggregate_select) only_load = self.query.get_loaded_field_names() if not fill_cache: fields = self.model._meta.concrete_fields load_fields = [] # If only/defer clauses have been specified, # build the list of fields that are to be loaded. if only_load: for field, model in self.model._meta.get_concrete_fields_with_model(): if model is None: model = self.model try: if in only_load[model]: # Add a field that has been explicitly included load_fields.append( except KeyError: # Model wasn't explicitly listed in the only_load table # Therefore, we need to load all fields from this model load_fields.append( index_start = len(extra_select) aggregate_start = index_start + len(load_fields or self.model._meta.concrete_fields) skip = None if load_fields and not fill_cache: # Some fields have been deferred, so we have to initialise # via keyword arguments. skip = set() init_list = [] for field in fields: if not in load_fields: skip.add(field.attname) else: init_list.append(field.attname) model_cls = deferred_class_factory(self.model, skip) # Cache db and model outside the loop db = self.db model = self.model compiler = self.query.get_compiler(using=db) if fill_cache: klass_info = get_klass_info(model, max_depth=max_depth, requested=requested, only_load=only_load) for row in compiler.results_iter(): if fill_cache: obj, _ = get_cached_row(row, index_start, db, klass_info, offset=len(aggregate_select)) else: # Omit aggregates in object creation. row_data = row[index_start:aggregate_start] if skip: obj = model_cls(**dict(zip(init_list, row_data))) else: obj = model(*row_data) # Store the source database of the object obj._state.db = db # This object came from the database; it's not being added. obj._state.adding = False if extra_select: for i, k in enumerate(extra_select): setattr(obj, k, row[i]) # Add the aggregates to the model if aggregate_select: for i, aggregate in enumerate(aggregate_select): setattr(obj, aggregate, row[i + aggregate_start]) # Add the known related objects to the model, if there are any if self._known_related_objects: for field, rel_objs in self._known_related_objects.items(): # Avoid overwriting objects loaded e.g. by select_related if hasattr(obj, field.get_cache_name()): continue pk = getattr(obj, field.get_attname()) try: rel_obj = rel_objs[pk] except KeyError: pass # may happen in qs1 | qs2 scenarios else: setattr(obj,, rel_obj) yield obj
def last(
Returns the last object of a query, returns None if no match is found.
def last(self): """ Returns the last object of a query, returns None if no match is found. """ qs = self.reverse() if self.ordered else self.order_by('-pk') try: return qs[0] except IndexError: return None
def latest(
self, field_name=None)
def latest(self, field_name=None): return self._earliest_or_latest(field_name=field_name, direction="-")
def none(
Return an empty result set
def none(self): # redundant with none() in recent Django svn "Return an empty result set" return self.extra(where = ["0 = 1"])
def only(
self, *fields)
Essentially, the opposite of defer. Only the fields passed into this method and that are not already specified as deferred are loaded immediately when the queryset is evaluated.
def only(self, *fields): """ Essentially, the opposite of defer. Only the fields passed into this method and that are not already specified as deferred are loaded immediately when the queryset is evaluated. """ if fields == (None,): # Can only pass None to defer(), not only(), as the rest option. # That won't stop people trying to do this, so let's be explicit. raise TypeError("Cannot pass None as an argument to only().") clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_immediate_loading(fields) return clone
def order_by(
self, *field_names)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with the ordering changed.
def order_by(self, *field_names): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with the ordering changed. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot reorder a query once a slice has been taken." obj = self._clone() obj.query.clear_ordering(force_empty=False) obj.query.add_ordering(*field_names) return obj
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will prefetch the specified Many-To-One and Many-To-Many related objects when the QuerySet is evaluated.
When prefetch_related() is called more than once, the list of lookups to prefetch is appended to. If prefetch_related(None) is called, the the list is cleared.
def quick_search(
self, pattern)
Perform a quick search on text and char fields
def quick_search(self, pattern): "Perform a quick search on text and char fields" from telemeta.models.instrument import Instrument mod = Instrument() pattern = pattern.strip() q = Q(code__contains=pattern) fields = mod.to_dict() keys = fields.keys() for field in keys: field_str = str(mod._meta.get_field(field)) if 'CharField' in field_str or 'TextField' in field_str: q = q | word_search_q(field, pattern) return self.filter(q)
def reverse(
Reverses the ordering of the QuerySet.
def reverse(self): """ Reverses the ordering of the QuerySet. """ clone = self._clone() clone.query.standard_ordering = not clone.query.standard_ordering return clone
def select_for_update(
self, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select objects with a FOR UPDATE lock.
def select_for_update(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select objects with a FOR UPDATE lock. """ # Default to false for nowait nowait = kwargs.pop('nowait', False) obj = self._clone() obj._for_write = True obj.query.select_for_update = True obj.query.select_for_update_nowait = nowait return obj
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select related objects.
If fields are specified, they must be ForeignKey fields and only those related objects are included in the selection.
If select_related(None) is called, the list is cleared.
def update(
self, **kwargs)
Updates all elements in the current QuerySet, setting all the given fields to the appropriate values.
def update(self, **kwargs): """ Updates all elements in the current QuerySet, setting all the given fields to the appropriate values. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot update a query once a slice has been taken." self._for_write = True query = self.query.clone(sql.UpdateQuery) query.add_update_values(kwargs) with transaction.commit_on_success_unless_managed(using=self.db): rows = query.get_compiler(self.db).execute_sql(None) self._result_cache = None return rows
def using(
self, alias)
Selects which database this QuerySet should excecute its query against.
def using(self, alias): """ Selects which database this QuerySet should excecute its query against. """ clone = self._clone() clone._db = alias return clone
def values(
self, *fields)
def values(self, *fields): return self._clone(klass=ValuesQuerySet, setup=True, _fields=fields)
def values_list(
self, *fields, **kwargs)
def values_list(self, *fields, **kwargs): flat = kwargs.pop('flat', False) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected keyword arguments to values_list: %s' % (list(kwargs),)) if flat and len(fields) > 1: raise TypeError("'flat' is not valid when values_list is called with more than one field.") return self._clone(klass=ValuesListQuerySet, setup=True, flat=flat, _fields=fields)
def word_search(
self, field, pattern)
def word_search(self, field, pattern): return self.filter(word_search_q(field, pattern))
class LocationManager
class LocationManager(CoreManager): def get_query_set(self): "Return location query set" return LocationQuerySet(self.model) def by_flatname(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_flatname(*args, **kwargs) by_flatname.__doc__ = LocationQuerySet.by_flatname.__doc__ def flatname_map(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().flatname_map(*args, **kwargs) flatname_map.__doc__ = LocationQuerySet.flatname_map.__doc__
Ancestors (in MRO)
- LocationManager
- telemeta.models.core.CoreManager
- telemeta.models.core.EnhancedManager
- django.db.models.manager.Manager
- __builtin__.object
Class variables
var creation_counter
Instance variables
var db
def __init__(
def __init__(self): super(Manager, self).__init__() self._set_creation_counter() self.model = None self._inherited = False self._db = None
def aggregate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def aggregate(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().aggregate(*args, **kwargs)
def all(
def all(self): return self.get_queryset()
def annotate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().annotate(*args, **kwargs)
def bulk_create(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def bulk_create(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().bulk_create(*args, **kwargs)
def by_flatname(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def by_flatname(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_flatname(*args, **kwargs)
def complex_filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def complex_filter(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().complex_filter(*args, **kwargs)
def contribute_to_class(
self, model, name)
def contribute_to_class(self, model, name): # TODO: Use weakref because of possible memory leak / circular reference. self.model = model # Only contribute the manager if the model is concrete if model._meta.abstract: setattr(model, name, AbstractManagerDescriptor(model)) elif model._meta.swapped: setattr(model, name, SwappedManagerDescriptor(model)) else: # if not model._meta.abstract and not model._meta.swapped: setattr(model, name, ManagerDescriptor(self)) if not getattr(model, '_default_manager', None) or self.creation_counter < model._default_manager.creation_counter: model._default_manager = self if model._meta.abstract or (self._inherited and not self.model._meta.proxy): model._meta.abstract_managers.append((self.creation_counter, name, self)) else: model._meta.concrete_managers.append((self.creation_counter, name, self))
def count(
def count(self): return self.get_queryset().count()
def create(
self, **kwargs)
def create(self, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().create(**kwargs)
def dates(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def dates(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().dates(*args, **kwargs)
def datetimes(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def datetimes(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().datetimes(*args, **kwargs)
def db_manager(
self, using)
def db_manager(self, using): obj = copy.copy(self) obj._db = using return obj
def defer(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def defer(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().defer(*args, **kwargs)
def distinct(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def distinct(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().distinct(*args, **kwargs)
def earliest(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def earliest(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().earliest(*args, **kwargs)
def exclude(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def exclude(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().exclude(*args, **kwargs)
def exists(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def exists(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().exists(*args, **kwargs)
def extra(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def extra(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().extra(*args, **kwargs)
def filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().filter(*args, **kwargs)
def first(
def first(self): return self.get_queryset().first()
def flatname_map(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def flatname_map(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().flatname_map(*args, **kwargs)
def get(
self, **kwargs)
def get(self, **kwargs): if kwargs.has_key('public_id'): try: args = kwargs.copy() args['code'] = kwargs['public_id'] args.pop('public_id') return super(CoreManager, self).get(**args) except ObjectDoesNotExist: args = kwargs.copy() args['id'] = kwargs['public_id'] args.pop('public_id') return super(CoreManager, self).get(**args) return super(CoreManager, self).get(**kwargs)
def get_or_create(
self, **kwargs)
def get_or_create(self, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().get_or_create(**kwargs)
def get_query_set(
*args, **kwargs)
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "`%s.%s` is deprecated, use `%s` instead." % (self.class_name, self.old_method_name, self.new_method_name), self.deprecation_warning, 2) return f(*args, **kwargs)
def get_queryset(
Return location query set
def get_query_set(self): "Return location query set" return LocationQuerySet(self.model)
def in_bulk(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def in_bulk(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().in_bulk(*args, **kwargs)
def iterator(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def iterator(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().iterator(*args, **kwargs)
def last(
def last(self): return self.get_queryset().last()
def latest(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def latest(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().latest(*args, **kwargs)
def none(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def none(self, *args, **kwargs): "" return self.get_query_set().none(*args, **kwargs)
def only(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def only(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().only(*args, **kwargs)
def order_by(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def order_by(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().order_by(*args, **kwargs)
def raw(
self, raw_query, params=None, *args, **kwargs)
def raw(self, raw_query, params=None, *args, **kwargs): return RawQuerySet(raw_query=raw_query, model=self.model, params=params, using=self._db, *args, **kwargs)
def reverse(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def reverse(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().reverse(*args, **kwargs)
def select_for_update(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def select_for_update(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().select_for_update(*args, **kwargs)
def update(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def update(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().update(*args, **kwargs)
def using(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def using(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().using(*args, **kwargs)
def values(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def values(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().values(*args, **kwargs)
def values_list(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def values_list(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().values_list(*args, **kwargs)
class LocationQuerySet
class LocationQuerySet(CoreQuerySet): __flatname_map = None def by_flatname(self, flatname): map = self.flatname_map() return self.filter(pk=map[flatname]) def flatname_map(self): if self.__class__.__flatname_map: return self.__class__.__flatname_map map = {} locations = self.filter(Q(type=self.model.COUNTRY) | Q(type=self.model.CONTINENT)) for l in locations: flatname = unaccent( flatname = re.sub('[^a-z]', '_', flatname) while map.has_key(flatname): flatname = '_' + flatname map[flatname] = self.__class__.__flatname_map = map return map def current(self): return self.filter(id__in=self.values_list('current_location_id', flat=True)).distinct()
Ancestors (in MRO)
- LocationQuerySet
- telemeta.models.core.CoreQuerySet
- telemeta.models.core.EnhancedQuerySet
- django.db.models.query.QuerySet
- __builtin__.object
Class variables
var value_annotation
Instance variables
var db
Return the database that will be used if this query is executed now
var ordered
Returns True if the QuerySet is ordered -- i.e. has an order_by() clause or a default ordering on the model.
def __init__(
self, model=None, query=None, using=None)
def __init__(self, model=None, query=None, using=None): self.model = model self._db = using self.query = query or sql.Query(self.model) self._result_cache = None self._sticky_filter = False self._for_write = False self._prefetch_related_lookups = [] self._prefetch_done = False self._known_related_objects = {} # {rel_field, {pk: rel_obj}}
def aggregate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a dictionary containing the calculations (aggregation) over the current queryset
If args is present the expression is passed as a kwarg using the Aggregate object's default alias.
def aggregate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a dictionary containing the calculations (aggregation) over the current queryset If args is present the expression is passed as a kwarg using the Aggregate object's default alias. """ if self.query.distinct_fields: raise NotImplementedError("aggregate() + distinct(fields) not implemented.") for arg in args: kwargs[arg.default_alias] = arg query = self.query.clone() for (alias, aggregate_expr) in kwargs.items(): query.add_aggregate(aggregate_expr, self.model, alias, is_summary=True) return query.get_aggregation(using=self.db)
def all(
Returns a new QuerySet that is a copy of the current one. This allows a QuerySet to proxy for a model manager in some cases.
def all(self): """ Returns a new QuerySet that is a copy of the current one. This allows a QuerySet to proxy for a model manager in some cases. """ return self._clone()
def annotate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Return a query set in which the returned objects have been annotated with data aggregated from related fields.
def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return a query set in which the returned objects have been annotated with data aggregated from related fields. """ for arg in args: if arg.default_alias in kwargs: raise ValueError("The named annotation '%s' conflicts with the " "default name for another annotation." % arg.default_alias) kwargs[arg.default_alias] = arg names = getattr(self, '_fields', None) if names is None: names = set(self.model._meta.get_all_field_names()) for aggregate in kwargs: if aggregate in names: raise ValueError("The annotation '%s' conflicts with a field on " "the model." % aggregate) obj = self._clone() obj._setup_aggregate_query(list(kwargs)) # Add the aggregates to the query for (alias, aggregate_expr) in kwargs.items(): obj.query.add_aggregate(aggregate_expr, self.model, alias, is_summary=False) return obj
def bulk_create(
self, objs, batch_size=None)
Inserts each of the instances into the database. This does not call save() on each of the instances, does not send any pre/post save signals, and does not set the primary key attribute if it is an autoincrement field.
def bulk_create(self, objs, batch_size=None): """ Inserts each of the instances into the database. This does *not* call save() on each of the instances, does not send any pre/post save signals, and does not set the primary key attribute if it is an autoincrement field. """ # So this case is fun. When you bulk insert you don't get the primary # keys back (if it's an autoincrement), so you can't insert into the # child tables which references this. There are two workarounds, 1) # this could be implemented if you didn't have an autoincrement pk, # and 2) you could do it by doing O(n) normal inserts into the parent # tables to get the primary keys back, and then doing a single bulk # insert into the childmost table. Some databases might allow doing # this by using RETURNING clause for the insert query. We're punting # on these for now because they are relatively rare cases. assert batch_size is None or batch_size > 0 if self.model._meta.parents: raise ValueError("Can't bulk create an inherited model") if not objs: return objs self._for_write = True connection = connections[self.db] fields = self.model._meta.local_concrete_fields with transaction.commit_on_success_unless_managed(using=self.db): if (connection.features.can_combine_inserts_with_and_without_auto_increment_pk and self.model._meta.has_auto_field): self._batched_insert(objs, fields, batch_size) else: objs_with_pk, objs_without_pk = partition(lambda o: is None, objs) if objs_with_pk: self._batched_insert(objs_with_pk, fields, batch_size) if objs_without_pk: fields= [f for f in fields if not isinstance(f, AutoField)] self._batched_insert(objs_without_pk, fields, batch_size) return objs
def by_flatname(
self, flatname)
def by_flatname(self, flatname): map = self.flatname_map() return self.filter(pk=map[flatname])
def complex_filter(
self, filter_obj)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with filter_obj added to the filters.
filter_obj can be a Q object (or anything with an add_to_query() method) or a dictionary of keyword lookup arguments.
This exists to support framework features such as 'limit_choices_to', and usually it will be more natural to use other methods.
def complex_filter(self, filter_obj): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with filter_obj added to the filters. filter_obj can be a Q object (or anything with an add_to_query() method) or a dictionary of keyword lookup arguments. This exists to support framework features such as 'limit_choices_to', and usually it will be more natural to use other methods. """ if isinstance(filter_obj, Q) or hasattr(filter_obj, 'add_to_query'): clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_q(filter_obj) return clone else: return self._filter_or_exclude(None, **filter_obj)
def count(
Performs a SELECT COUNT() and returns the number of records as an integer.
If the QuerySet is already fully cached this simply returns the length of the cached results set to avoid multiple SELECT COUNT(*) calls.
def count(self): """ Performs a SELECT COUNT() and returns the number of records as an integer. If the QuerySet is already fully cached this simply returns the length of the cached results set to avoid multiple SELECT COUNT(*) calls. """ if self._result_cache is not None: return len(self._result_cache) return self.query.get_count(using=self.db)
def create(
self, **kwargs)
Creates a new object with the given kwargs, saving it to the database and returning the created object.
def create(self, **kwargs): """ Creates a new object with the given kwargs, saving it to the database and returning the created object. """ obj = self.model(**kwargs) self._for_write = True, using=self.db) return obj
def current(
def current(self): return self.filter(id__in=self.values_list('current_location_id', flat=True)).distinct()
def dates(
self, field_name, kind, order='ASC')
Returns a list of date objects representing all available dates for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'.
def dates(self, field_name, kind, order='ASC'): """ Returns a list of date objects representing all available dates for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'. """ assert kind in ("year", "month", "day"), \ "'kind' must be one of 'year', 'month' or 'day'." assert order in ('ASC', 'DESC'), \ "'order' must be either 'ASC' or 'DESC'." return self._clone(klass=DateQuerySet, setup=True, _field_name=field_name, _kind=kind, _order=order)
def datetimes(
self, field_name, kind, order='ASC', tzinfo=None)
Returns a list of datetime objects representing all available datetimes for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'.
def datetimes(self, field_name, kind, order='ASC', tzinfo=None): """ Returns a list of datetime objects representing all available datetimes for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'. """ assert kind in ("year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"), \ "'kind' must be one of 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute' or 'second'." assert order in ('ASC', 'DESC'), \ "'order' must be either 'ASC' or 'DESC'." if settings.USE_TZ: if tzinfo is None: tzinfo = timezone.get_current_timezone() else: tzinfo = None return self._clone(klass=DateTimeQuerySet, setup=True, _field_name=field_name, _kind=kind, _order=order, _tzinfo=tzinfo)
def defer(
self, *fields)
Defers the loading of data for certain fields until they are accessed. The set of fields to defer is added to any existing set of deferred fields. The only exception to this is if None is passed in as the only parameter, in which case all deferrals are removed (None acts as a reset option).
def defer(self, *fields): """ Defers the loading of data for certain fields until they are accessed. The set of fields to defer is added to any existing set of deferred fields. The only exception to this is if None is passed in as the only parameter, in which case all deferrals are removed (None acts as a reset option). """ clone = self._clone() if fields == (None,): clone.query.clear_deferred_loading() else: clone.query.add_deferred_loading(fields) return clone
def delete(
def delete(self): CHUNK=1024 objects = self.model._meta.get_all_related_objects() ii = self.count() values = self.values_list('pk') for related in objects: i = 0 while i < ii: ids = [v[0] for v in values[i:i + CHUNK]] filter = { + '__pk__in': ids} q = related.model.objects.filter(**filter) if isinstance(related.field, WeakForeignKey): update = { None} q.update(**update) else: q.delete() i += CHUNK super(EnhancedQuerySet, self).delete()
def distinct(
self, *field_names)
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select only distinct results.
def distinct(self, *field_names): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select only distinct results. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot create distinct fields once a slice has been taken." obj = self._clone() obj.query.add_distinct_fields(*field_names) return obj
def earliest(
self, field_name=None)
def earliest(self, field_name=None): return self._earliest_or_latest(field_name=field_name, direction="")
def exclude(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with NOT (args) ANDed to the existing set.
def exclude(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with NOT (args) ANDed to the existing set. """ return self._filter_or_exclude(True, *args, **kwargs)
def exists(
def exists(self): if self._result_cache is None: return self.query.has_results(using=self.db) return bool(self._result_cache)
def extra(
self, select=None, where=None, params=None, tables=None, order_by=None, select_params=None)
Adds extra SQL fragments to the query.
def extra(self, select=None, where=None, params=None, tables=None, order_by=None, select_params=None): """ Adds extra SQL fragments to the query. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot change a query once a slice has been taken" clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_extra(select, select_params, where, params, tables, order_by) return clone
def filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with the args ANDed to the existing set.
def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with the args ANDed to the existing set. """ return self._filter_or_exclude(False, *args, **kwargs)
def first(
Returns the first object of a query, returns None if no match is found.
def first(self): """ Returns the first object of a query, returns None if no match is found. """ qs = self if self.ordered else self.order_by('pk') try: return qs[0] except IndexError: return None
def flatname_map(
def flatname_map(self): if self.__class__.__flatname_map: return self.__class__.__flatname_map map = {} locations = self.filter(Q(type=self.model.COUNTRY) | Q(type=self.model.CONTINENT)) for l in locations: flatname = unaccent( flatname = re.sub('[^a-z]', '_', flatname) while map.has_key(flatname): flatname = '_' + flatname map[flatname] = self.__class__.__flatname_map = map return map
def get(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Performs the query and returns a single object matching the given keyword arguments.
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Performs the query and returns a single object matching the given keyword arguments. """ clone = self.filter(*args, **kwargs) if self.query.can_filter(): clone = clone.order_by() num = len(clone) if num == 1: return clone._result_cache[0] if not num: raise self.model.DoesNotExist( "%s matching query does not exist." % self.model._meta.object_name) raise self.model.MultipleObjectsReturned( "get() returned more than one %s -- it returned %s!" % (self.model._meta.object_name, num))
def get_or_create(
self, **kwargs)
Looks up an object with the given kwargs, creating one if necessary. Returns a tuple of (object, created), where created is a boolean specifying whether an object was created.
def get_or_create(self, **kwargs): """ Looks up an object with the given kwargs, creating one if necessary. Returns a tuple of (object, created), where created is a boolean specifying whether an object was created. """ defaults = kwargs.pop('defaults', {}) lookup = kwargs.copy() for f in self.model._meta.fields: if f.attname in lookup: lookup[] = lookup.pop(f.attname) try: self._for_write = True return self.get(**lookup), False except self.model.DoesNotExist: try: params = dict((k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if LOOKUP_SEP not in k) params.update(defaults) obj = self.model(**params) with transaction.atomic(using=self.db):, using=self.db) return obj, True except DatabaseError: exc_info = sys.exc_info() try: return self.get(**lookup), False except self.model.DoesNotExist: # Re-raise the DatabaseError with its original traceback. six.reraise(*exc_info)
def in_bulk(
self, id_list)
Returns a dictionary mapping each of the given IDs to the object with that ID.
def in_bulk(self, id_list): """ Returns a dictionary mapping each of the given IDs to the object with that ID. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot use 'limit' or 'offset' with in_bulk" if not id_list: return {} qs = self.filter(pk__in=id_list).order_by() return dict([(obj._get_pk_val(), obj) for obj in qs])
def iterator(
An iterator over the results from applying this QuerySet to the database.
def iterator(self): """ An iterator over the results from applying this QuerySet to the database. """ fill_cache = False if connections[self.db].features.supports_select_related: fill_cache = self.query.select_related if isinstance(fill_cache, dict): requested = fill_cache else: requested = None max_depth = self.query.max_depth extra_select = list(self.query.extra_select) aggregate_select = list(self.query.aggregate_select) only_load = self.query.get_loaded_field_names() if not fill_cache: fields = self.model._meta.concrete_fields load_fields = [] # If only/defer clauses have been specified, # build the list of fields that are to be loaded. if only_load: for field, model in self.model._meta.get_concrete_fields_with_model(): if model is None: model = self.model try: if in only_load[model]: # Add a field that has been explicitly included load_fields.append( except KeyError: # Model wasn't explicitly listed in the only_load table # Therefore, we need to load all fields from this model load_fields.append( index_start = len(extra_select) aggregate_start = index_start + len(load_fields or self.model._meta.concrete_fields) skip = None if load_fields and not fill_cache: # Some fields have been deferred, so we have to initialise # via keyword arguments. skip = set() init_list = [] for field in fields: if not in load_fields: skip.add(field.attname) else: init_list.append(field.attname) model_cls = deferred_class_factory(self.model, skip) # Cache db and model outside the loop db = self.db model = self.model compiler = self.query.get_compiler(using=db) if fill_cache: klass_info = get_klass_info(model, max_depth=max_depth, requested=requested, only_load=only_load) for row in compiler.results_iter(): if fill_cache: obj, _ = get_cached_row(row, index_start, db, klass_info, offset=len(aggregate_select)) else: # Omit aggregates in object creation. row_data = row[index_start:aggregate_start] if skip: obj = model_cls(**dict(zip(init_list, row_data))) else: obj = model(*row_data) # Store the source database of the object obj._state.db = db # This object came from the database; it's not being added. obj._state.adding = False if extra_select: for i, k in enumerate(extra_select): setattr(obj, k, row[i]) # Add the aggregates to the model if aggregate_select: for i, aggregate in enumerate(aggregate_select): setattr(obj, aggregate, row[i + aggregate_start]) # Add the known related objects to the model, if there are any if self._known_related_objects: for field, rel_objs in self._known_related_objects.items(): # Avoid overwriting objects loaded e.g. by select_related if hasattr(obj, field.get_cache_name()): continue pk = getattr(obj, field.get_attname()) try: rel_obj = rel_objs[pk] except KeyError: pass # may happen in qs1 | qs2 scenarios else: setattr(obj,, rel_obj) yield obj
def last(
Returns the last object of a query, returns None if no match is found.
def last(self): """ Returns the last object of a query, returns None if no match is found. """ qs = self.reverse() if self.ordered else self.order_by('-pk') try: return qs[0] except IndexError: return None
def latest(
self, field_name=None)
def latest(self, field_name=None): return self._earliest_or_latest(field_name=field_name, direction="-")
def none(
Return an empty result set
def none(self): # redundant with none() in recent Django svn "Return an empty result set" return self.extra(where = ["0 = 1"])
def only(
self, *fields)
Essentially, the opposite of defer. Only the fields passed into this method and that are not already specified as deferred are loaded immediately when the queryset is evaluated.
def only(self, *fields): """ Essentially, the opposite of defer. Only the fields passed into this method and that are not already specified as deferred are loaded immediately when the queryset is evaluated. """ if fields == (None,): # Can only pass None to defer(), not only(), as the rest option. # That won't stop people trying to do this, so let's be explicit. raise TypeError("Cannot pass None as an argument to only().") clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_immediate_loading(fields) return clone
def order_by(
self, *field_names)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with the ordering changed.
def order_by(self, *field_names): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with the ordering changed. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot reorder a query once a slice has been taken." obj = self._clone() obj.query.clear_ordering(force_empty=False) obj.query.add_ordering(*field_names) return obj
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will prefetch the specified Many-To-One and Many-To-Many related objects when the QuerySet is evaluated.
When prefetch_related() is called more than once, the list of lookups to prefetch is appended to. If prefetch_related(None) is called, the the list is cleared.
def reverse(
Reverses the ordering of the QuerySet.
def reverse(self): """ Reverses the ordering of the QuerySet. """ clone = self._clone() clone.query.standard_ordering = not clone.query.standard_ordering return clone
def select_for_update(
self, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select objects with a FOR UPDATE lock.
def select_for_update(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select objects with a FOR UPDATE lock. """ # Default to false for nowait nowait = kwargs.pop('nowait', False) obj = self._clone() obj._for_write = True obj.query.select_for_update = True obj.query.select_for_update_nowait = nowait return obj
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select related objects.
If fields are specified, they must be ForeignKey fields and only those related objects are included in the selection.
If select_related(None) is called, the list is cleared.
def update(
self, **kwargs)
Updates all elements in the current QuerySet, setting all the given fields to the appropriate values.
def update(self, **kwargs): """ Updates all elements in the current QuerySet, setting all the given fields to the appropriate values. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot update a query once a slice has been taken." self._for_write = True query = self.query.clone(sql.UpdateQuery) query.add_update_values(kwargs) with transaction.commit_on_success_unless_managed(using=self.db): rows = query.get_compiler(self.db).execute_sql(None) self._result_cache = None return rows
def using(
self, alias)
Selects which database this QuerySet should excecute its query against.
def using(self, alias): """ Selects which database this QuerySet should excecute its query against. """ clone = self._clone() clone._db = alias return clone
def values(
self, *fields)
def values(self, *fields): return self._clone(klass=ValuesQuerySet, setup=True, _fields=fields)
def values_list(
self, *fields, **kwargs)
def values_list(self, *fields, **kwargs): flat = kwargs.pop('flat', False) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected keyword arguments to values_list: %s' % (list(kwargs),)) if flat and len(fields) > 1: raise TypeError("'flat' is not valid when values_list is called with more than one field.") return self._clone(klass=ValuesListQuerySet, setup=True, flat=flat, _fields=fields)
def word_search(
self, field, pattern)
def word_search(self, field, pattern): return self.filter(word_search_q(field, pattern))
class MediaCollectionManager
Manage collection queries
class MediaCollectionManager(CoreManager): "Manage collection queries" def get_query_set(self): "Return the collection query" return MediaCollectionQuerySet(self.model) def enriched(self): "Query set with additional virtual fields such as apparent_collector" return self.get_query_set().virtual('apparent_collector') def quick_search(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().quick_search(*args, **kwargs) quick_search.__doc__ = MediaCollectionQuerySet.quick_search.__doc__ def by_location(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_location(*args, **kwargs) by_location.__doc__ = MediaCollectionQuerySet.by_location.__doc__ def by_recording_year(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_recording_year(*args, **kwargs) by_recording_year.__doc__ = MediaCollectionQuerySet.by_recording_year.__doc__ def by_publish_year(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_publish_year(*args, **kwargs) by_publish_year.__doc__ = MediaCollectionQuerySet.by_publish_year.__doc__ def by_ethnic_group(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_ethnic_group(*args, **kwargs) by_ethnic_group.__doc__ = MediaCollectionQuerySet.by_ethnic_group.__doc__ def by_change_time(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_change_time(*args, **kwargs) by_change_time.__doc__ = MediaCollectionQuerySet.by_change_time.__doc__ @staticmethod def __name_cmp(obj1, obj2): return unaccent_icmp(, def sound(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().sound(*args, **kwargs) sound.__doc__ = MediaCollectionQuerySet.sound.__doc__ def by_instrument(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_instrument(*args, **kwargs) by_instrument.__doc__ = MediaCollectionQuerySet.by_instrument.__doc__
Ancestors (in MRO)
- MediaCollectionManager
- telemeta.models.core.CoreManager
- telemeta.models.core.EnhancedManager
- django.db.models.manager.Manager
- __builtin__.object
Class variables
var creation_counter
Instance variables
var db
def __init__(
def __init__(self): super(Manager, self).__init__() self._set_creation_counter() self.model = None self._inherited = False self._db = None
def aggregate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def aggregate(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().aggregate(*args, **kwargs)
def all(
def all(self): return self.get_queryset()
def annotate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().annotate(*args, **kwargs)
def bulk_create(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def bulk_create(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().bulk_create(*args, **kwargs)
def by_change_time(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Find collections between two dates
def by_change_time(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_change_time(*args, **kwargs)
def by_ethnic_group(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Find collections by ethnic group
def by_ethnic_group(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_ethnic_group(*args, **kwargs)
def by_instrument(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Find collections by instrument
def by_instrument(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_instrument(*args, **kwargs)
def by_location(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Find collections by location
def by_location(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_location(*args, **kwargs)
def by_publish_year(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Find collections by publishing year
def by_publish_year(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_publish_year(*args, **kwargs)
def by_recording_year(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Find collections by recording year
def by_recording_year(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_recording_year(*args, **kwargs)
def complex_filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def complex_filter(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().complex_filter(*args, **kwargs)
def contribute_to_class(
self, model, name)
def contribute_to_class(self, model, name): # TODO: Use weakref because of possible memory leak / circular reference. self.model = model # Only contribute the manager if the model is concrete if model._meta.abstract: setattr(model, name, AbstractManagerDescriptor(model)) elif model._meta.swapped: setattr(model, name, SwappedManagerDescriptor(model)) else: # if not model._meta.abstract and not model._meta.swapped: setattr(model, name, ManagerDescriptor(self)) if not getattr(model, '_default_manager', None) or self.creation_counter < model._default_manager.creation_counter: model._default_manager = self if model._meta.abstract or (self._inherited and not self.model._meta.proxy): model._meta.abstract_managers.append((self.creation_counter, name, self)) else: model._meta.concrete_managers.append((self.creation_counter, name, self))
def count(
def count(self): return self.get_queryset().count()
def create(
self, **kwargs)
def create(self, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().create(**kwargs)
def dates(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def dates(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().dates(*args, **kwargs)
def datetimes(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def datetimes(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().datetimes(*args, **kwargs)
def db_manager(
self, using)
def db_manager(self, using): obj = copy.copy(self) obj._db = using return obj
def defer(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def defer(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().defer(*args, **kwargs)
def distinct(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def distinct(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().distinct(*args, **kwargs)
def earliest(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def earliest(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().earliest(*args, **kwargs)
def enriched(
Query set with additional virtual fields such as apparent_collector
def enriched(self): "Query set with additional virtual fields such as apparent_collector" return self.get_query_set().virtual('apparent_collector')
def exclude(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def exclude(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().exclude(*args, **kwargs)
def exists(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def exists(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().exists(*args, **kwargs)
def extra(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def extra(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().extra(*args, **kwargs)
def filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().filter(*args, **kwargs)
def first(
def first(self): return self.get_queryset().first()
def get(
self, **kwargs)
def get(self, **kwargs): if kwargs.has_key('public_id'): try: args = kwargs.copy() args['code'] = kwargs['public_id'] args.pop('public_id') return super(CoreManager, self).get(**args) except ObjectDoesNotExist: args = kwargs.copy() args['id'] = kwargs['public_id'] args.pop('public_id') return super(CoreManager, self).get(**args) return super(CoreManager, self).get(**kwargs)
def get_or_create(
self, **kwargs)
def get_or_create(self, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().get_or_create(**kwargs)
def get_query_set(
*args, **kwargs)
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "`%s.%s` is deprecated, use `%s` instead." % (self.class_name, self.old_method_name, self.new_method_name), self.deprecation_warning, 2) return f(*args, **kwargs)
def get_queryset(
Return the collection query
def get_query_set(self): "Return the collection query" return MediaCollectionQuerySet(self.model)
def in_bulk(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def in_bulk(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().in_bulk(*args, **kwargs)
def iterator(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def iterator(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().iterator(*args, **kwargs)
def last(
def last(self): return self.get_queryset().last()
def latest(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def latest(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().latest(*args, **kwargs)
def none(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def none(self, *args, **kwargs): "" return self.get_query_set().none(*args, **kwargs)
def only(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def only(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().only(*args, **kwargs)
def order_by(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def order_by(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().order_by(*args, **kwargs)
def quick_search(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Perform a quick search on code, title and collector name
def quick_search(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().quick_search(*args, **kwargs)
def raw(
self, raw_query, params=None, *args, **kwargs)
def raw(self, raw_query, params=None, *args, **kwargs): return RawQuerySet(raw_query=raw_query, model=self.model, params=params, using=self._db, *args, **kwargs)
def reverse(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def reverse(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().reverse(*args, **kwargs)
def select_for_update(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def select_for_update(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().select_for_update(*args, **kwargs)
def sound(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def sound(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().sound(*args, **kwargs)
def update(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def update(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().update(*args, **kwargs)
def using(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def using(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().using(*args, **kwargs)
def values(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def values(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().values(*args, **kwargs)
def values_list(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def values_list(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().values_list(*args, **kwargs)
class MediaCollectionQuerySet
class MediaCollectionQuerySet(CoreQuerySet): def quick_search(self, pattern): "Perform a quick search on code, title and collector name" from telemeta.models.collection import MediaCollection pattern = pattern.strip() mod = MediaCollection() fields = mod.to_dict() keys = fields.keys() q = self.by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern) for field in keys: field_str = str(mod._meta.get_field(field)) if 'CharField' in field_str or 'TextField' in field_str: q = q | word_search_q(field, pattern) return self.filter(q) def by_location(self, location): "Find collections by location" return self.filter(items__location__in=location.apparented()).distinct() def by_recording_year(self, from_year, to_year=None): "Find collections by recording year" if to_year is None: return (self.filter(recorded_from_year__lte=from_year, recorded_to_year__gte=from_year)) else: return (self.filter(Q(recorded_from_year__range=(from_year, to_year)) | Q(recorded_to_year__range=(from_year, to_year)))) def by_publish_year(self, from_year, to_year=None): "Find collections by publishing year" if to_year is None: to_year = from_year return self.filter(year_published__range=(from_year, to_year)) def by_ethnic_group(self, group): "Find collections by ethnic group" return self.filter(items__ethnic_group=group).distinct() def by_change_time(self, from_time=None, until_time=None): "Find collections between two dates" return self._by_change_time('collection', from_time, until_time) def virtual(self, *args): qs = self for f in args: if f == 'apparent_collector': if not 'sqlite3' in engine and not 'postgresql_psycopg2' in engine: qs = qs.extra(select={f: 'IF(media_collections.collector_is_creator, ' 'media_collections.creator, media_collections.collector)'}) else: raise Exception("Unsupported virtual field: %s" % f) return qs def recording_year_range(self): from_max = self.aggregate(Max('recorded_from_year'))['recorded_from_year__max'] to_max = self.aggregate(Max('recorded_to_year'))['recorded_to_year__max'] year_max = max(from_max, to_max) from_min = self.filter(recorded_from_year__gt=0).aggregate(Min('recorded_from_year'))['recorded_from_year__min'] to_min = self.filter(recorded_to_year__gt=0).aggregate(Min('recorded_to_year'))['recorded_to_year__min'] year_min = min(from_min, to_min) if not year_max: year_max = year_min elif not year_min: year_min = year_max return year_min, year_max def publishing_year_range(self): year_max = self.aggregate(Max('year_published'))['year_published__max'] year_min = self.filter(year_published__gt=0).aggregate(Min('year_published'))['year_published__min'] return year_min, year_max @staticmethod def by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern): return word_search_q('creator', pattern) | word_search_q('collector', pattern) def by_fuzzy_collector(self, pattern): return self.filter(self.by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern)) def sound(self): return self.filter(Q(items__file__contains='/') | Q(items__url__contains='/')).distinct() def by_instrument(self, name): "Find collections by instrument" from telemeta.models.item import MediaItemPerformance from telemeta.models.instrument import Instrument, InstrumentAlias instruments = Instrument.objects.filter(name__icontains=name) aliases = InstrumentAlias.objects.filter(name__icontains=name) items = [] performances = MediaItemPerformance.objects.filter(Q(instrument__in=instruments) | Q(alias__in=aliases)) for performance in performances: items.append(performance.media_item) return self.filter(items__in=items).distinct()
Ancestors (in MRO)
- MediaCollectionQuerySet
- telemeta.models.core.CoreQuerySet
- telemeta.models.core.EnhancedQuerySet
- django.db.models.query.QuerySet
- __builtin__.object
Class variables
var value_annotation
Static methods
def by_fuzzy_collector_q(
@staticmethod def by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern): return word_search_q('creator', pattern) | word_search_q('collector', pattern)
Instance variables
var db
Return the database that will be used if this query is executed now
var ordered
Returns True if the QuerySet is ordered -- i.e. has an order_by() clause or a default ordering on the model.
def __init__(
self, model=None, query=None, using=None)
def __init__(self, model=None, query=None, using=None): self.model = model self._db = using self.query = query or sql.Query(self.model) self._result_cache = None self._sticky_filter = False self._for_write = False self._prefetch_related_lookups = [] self._prefetch_done = False self._known_related_objects = {} # {rel_field, {pk: rel_obj}}
def aggregate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a dictionary containing the calculations (aggregation) over the current queryset
If args is present the expression is passed as a kwarg using the Aggregate object's default alias.
def aggregate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a dictionary containing the calculations (aggregation) over the current queryset If args is present the expression is passed as a kwarg using the Aggregate object's default alias. """ if self.query.distinct_fields: raise NotImplementedError("aggregate() + distinct(fields) not implemented.") for arg in args: kwargs[arg.default_alias] = arg query = self.query.clone() for (alias, aggregate_expr) in kwargs.items(): query.add_aggregate(aggregate_expr, self.model, alias, is_summary=True) return query.get_aggregation(using=self.db)
def all(
Returns a new QuerySet that is a copy of the current one. This allows a QuerySet to proxy for a model manager in some cases.
def all(self): """ Returns a new QuerySet that is a copy of the current one. This allows a QuerySet to proxy for a model manager in some cases. """ return self._clone()
def annotate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Return a query set in which the returned objects have been annotated with data aggregated from related fields.
def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return a query set in which the returned objects have been annotated with data aggregated from related fields. """ for arg in args: if arg.default_alias in kwargs: raise ValueError("The named annotation '%s' conflicts with the " "default name for another annotation." % arg.default_alias) kwargs[arg.default_alias] = arg names = getattr(self, '_fields', None) if names is None: names = set(self.model._meta.get_all_field_names()) for aggregate in kwargs: if aggregate in names: raise ValueError("The annotation '%s' conflicts with a field on " "the model." % aggregate) obj = self._clone() obj._setup_aggregate_query(list(kwargs)) # Add the aggregates to the query for (alias, aggregate_expr) in kwargs.items(): obj.query.add_aggregate(aggregate_expr, self.model, alias, is_summary=False) return obj
def bulk_create(
self, objs, batch_size=None)
Inserts each of the instances into the database. This does not call save() on each of the instances, does not send any pre/post save signals, and does not set the primary key attribute if it is an autoincrement field.
def bulk_create(self, objs, batch_size=None): """ Inserts each of the instances into the database. This does *not* call save() on each of the instances, does not send any pre/post save signals, and does not set the primary key attribute if it is an autoincrement field. """ # So this case is fun. When you bulk insert you don't get the primary # keys back (if it's an autoincrement), so you can't insert into the # child tables which references this. There are two workarounds, 1) # this could be implemented if you didn't have an autoincrement pk, # and 2) you could do it by doing O(n) normal inserts into the parent # tables to get the primary keys back, and then doing a single bulk # insert into the childmost table. Some databases might allow doing # this by using RETURNING clause for the insert query. We're punting # on these for now because they are relatively rare cases. assert batch_size is None or batch_size > 0 if self.model._meta.parents: raise ValueError("Can't bulk create an inherited model") if not objs: return objs self._for_write = True connection = connections[self.db] fields = self.model._meta.local_concrete_fields with transaction.commit_on_success_unless_managed(using=self.db): if (connection.features.can_combine_inserts_with_and_without_auto_increment_pk and self.model._meta.has_auto_field): self._batched_insert(objs, fields, batch_size) else: objs_with_pk, objs_without_pk = partition(lambda o: is None, objs) if objs_with_pk: self._batched_insert(objs_with_pk, fields, batch_size) if objs_without_pk: fields= [f for f in fields if not isinstance(f, AutoField)] self._batched_insert(objs_without_pk, fields, batch_size) return objs
def by_change_time(
self, from_time=None, until_time=None)
Find collections between two dates
def by_change_time(self, from_time=None, until_time=None): "Find collections between two dates" return self._by_change_time('collection', from_time, until_time)
def by_ethnic_group(
self, group)
Find collections by ethnic group
def by_ethnic_group(self, group): "Find collections by ethnic group" return self.filter(items__ethnic_group=group).distinct()
def by_fuzzy_collector(
self, pattern)
def by_fuzzy_collector(self, pattern): return self.filter(self.by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern))
def by_instrument(
self, name)
Find collections by instrument
def by_instrument(self, name): "Find collections by instrument" from telemeta.models.item import MediaItemPerformance from telemeta.models.instrument import Instrument, InstrumentAlias instruments = Instrument.objects.filter(name__icontains=name) aliases = InstrumentAlias.objects.filter(name__icontains=name) items = [] performances = MediaItemPerformance.objects.filter(Q(instrument__in=instruments) | Q(alias__in=aliases)) for performance in performances: items.append(performance.media_item) return self.filter(items__in=items).distinct()
def by_location(
self, location)
Find collections by location
def by_location(self, location): "Find collections by location" return self.filter(items__location__in=location.apparented()).distinct()
def by_publish_year(
self, from_year, to_year=None)
Find collections by publishing year
def by_publish_year(self, from_year, to_year=None): "Find collections by publishing year" if to_year is None: to_year = from_year return self.filter(year_published__range=(from_year, to_year))
def by_recording_year(
self, from_year, to_year=None)
Find collections by recording year
def by_recording_year(self, from_year, to_year=None): "Find collections by recording year" if to_year is None: return (self.filter(recorded_from_year__lte=from_year, recorded_to_year__gte=from_year)) else: return (self.filter(Q(recorded_from_year__range=(from_year, to_year)) | Q(recorded_to_year__range=(from_year, to_year))))
def complex_filter(
self, filter_obj)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with filter_obj added to the filters.
filter_obj can be a Q object (or anything with an add_to_query() method) or a dictionary of keyword lookup arguments.
This exists to support framework features such as 'limit_choices_to', and usually it will be more natural to use other methods.
def complex_filter(self, filter_obj): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with filter_obj added to the filters. filter_obj can be a Q object (or anything with an add_to_query() method) or a dictionary of keyword lookup arguments. This exists to support framework features such as 'limit_choices_to', and usually it will be more natural to use other methods. """ if isinstance(filter_obj, Q) or hasattr(filter_obj, 'add_to_query'): clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_q(filter_obj) return clone else: return self._filter_or_exclude(None, **filter_obj)
def count(
Performs a SELECT COUNT() and returns the number of records as an integer.
If the QuerySet is already fully cached this simply returns the length of the cached results set to avoid multiple SELECT COUNT(*) calls.
def count(self): """ Performs a SELECT COUNT() and returns the number of records as an integer. If the QuerySet is already fully cached this simply returns the length of the cached results set to avoid multiple SELECT COUNT(*) calls. """ if self._result_cache is not None: return len(self._result_cache) return self.query.get_count(using=self.db)
def create(
self, **kwargs)
Creates a new object with the given kwargs, saving it to the database and returning the created object.
def create(self, **kwargs): """ Creates a new object with the given kwargs, saving it to the database and returning the created object. """ obj = self.model(**kwargs) self._for_write = True, using=self.db) return obj
def dates(
self, field_name, kind, order='ASC')
Returns a list of date objects representing all available dates for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'.
def dates(self, field_name, kind, order='ASC'): """ Returns a list of date objects representing all available dates for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'. """ assert kind in ("year", "month", "day"), \ "'kind' must be one of 'year', 'month' or 'day'." assert order in ('ASC', 'DESC'), \ "'order' must be either 'ASC' or 'DESC'." return self._clone(klass=DateQuerySet, setup=True, _field_name=field_name, _kind=kind, _order=order)
def datetimes(
self, field_name, kind, order='ASC', tzinfo=None)
Returns a list of datetime objects representing all available datetimes for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'.
def datetimes(self, field_name, kind, order='ASC', tzinfo=None): """ Returns a list of datetime objects representing all available datetimes for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'. """ assert kind in ("year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"), \ "'kind' must be one of 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute' or 'second'." assert order in ('ASC', 'DESC'), \ "'order' must be either 'ASC' or 'DESC'." if settings.USE_TZ: if tzinfo is None: tzinfo = timezone.get_current_timezone() else: tzinfo = None return self._clone(klass=DateTimeQuerySet, setup=True, _field_name=field_name, _kind=kind, _order=order, _tzinfo=tzinfo)
def defer(
self, *fields)
Defers the loading of data for certain fields until they are accessed. The set of fields to defer is added to any existing set of deferred fields. The only exception to this is if None is passed in as the only parameter, in which case all deferrals are removed (None acts as a reset option).
def defer(self, *fields): """ Defers the loading of data for certain fields until they are accessed. The set of fields to defer is added to any existing set of deferred fields. The only exception to this is if None is passed in as the only parameter, in which case all deferrals are removed (None acts as a reset option). """ clone = self._clone() if fields == (None,): clone.query.clear_deferred_loading() else: clone.query.add_deferred_loading(fields) return clone
def delete(
def delete(self): CHUNK=1024 objects = self.model._meta.get_all_related_objects() ii = self.count() values = self.values_list('pk') for related in objects: i = 0 while i < ii: ids = [v[0] for v in values[i:i + CHUNK]] filter = { + '__pk__in': ids} q = related.model.objects.filter(**filter) if isinstance(related.field, WeakForeignKey): update = { None} q.update(**update) else: q.delete() i += CHUNK super(EnhancedQuerySet, self).delete()
def distinct(
self, *field_names)
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select only distinct results.
def distinct(self, *field_names): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select only distinct results. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot create distinct fields once a slice has been taken." obj = self._clone() obj.query.add_distinct_fields(*field_names) return obj
def earliest(
self, field_name=None)
def earliest(self, field_name=None): return self._earliest_or_latest(field_name=field_name, direction="")
def exclude(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with NOT (args) ANDed to the existing set.
def exclude(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with NOT (args) ANDed to the existing set. """ return self._filter_or_exclude(True, *args, **kwargs)
def exists(
def exists(self): if self._result_cache is None: return self.query.has_results(using=self.db) return bool(self._result_cache)
def extra(
self, select=None, where=None, params=None, tables=None, order_by=None, select_params=None)
Adds extra SQL fragments to the query.
def extra(self, select=None, where=None, params=None, tables=None, order_by=None, select_params=None): """ Adds extra SQL fragments to the query. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot change a query once a slice has been taken" clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_extra(select, select_params, where, params, tables, order_by) return clone
def filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with the args ANDed to the existing set.
def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with the args ANDed to the existing set. """ return self._filter_or_exclude(False, *args, **kwargs)
def first(
Returns the first object of a query, returns None if no match is found.
def first(self): """ Returns the first object of a query, returns None if no match is found. """ qs = self if self.ordered else self.order_by('pk') try: return qs[0] except IndexError: return None
def get(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Performs the query and returns a single object matching the given keyword arguments.
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Performs the query and returns a single object matching the given keyword arguments. """ clone = self.filter(*args, **kwargs) if self.query.can_filter(): clone = clone.order_by() num = len(clone) if num == 1: return clone._result_cache[0] if not num: raise self.model.DoesNotExist( "%s matching query does not exist." % self.model._meta.object_name) raise self.model.MultipleObjectsReturned( "get() returned more than one %s -- it returned %s!" % (self.model._meta.object_name, num))
def get_or_create(
self, **kwargs)
Looks up an object with the given kwargs, creating one if necessary. Returns a tuple of (object, created), where created is a boolean specifying whether an object was created.
def get_or_create(self, **kwargs): """ Looks up an object with the given kwargs, creating one if necessary. Returns a tuple of (object, created), where created is a boolean specifying whether an object was created. """ defaults = kwargs.pop('defaults', {}) lookup = kwargs.copy() for f in self.model._meta.fields: if f.attname in lookup: lookup[] = lookup.pop(f.attname) try: self._for_write = True return self.get(**lookup), False except self.model.DoesNotExist: try: params = dict((k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if LOOKUP_SEP not in k) params.update(defaults) obj = self.model(**params) with transaction.atomic(using=self.db):, using=self.db) return obj, True except DatabaseError: exc_info = sys.exc_info() try: return self.get(**lookup), False except self.model.DoesNotExist: # Re-raise the DatabaseError with its original traceback. six.reraise(*exc_info)
def in_bulk(
self, id_list)
Returns a dictionary mapping each of the given IDs to the object with that ID.
def in_bulk(self, id_list): """ Returns a dictionary mapping each of the given IDs to the object with that ID. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot use 'limit' or 'offset' with in_bulk" if not id_list: return {} qs = self.filter(pk__in=id_list).order_by() return dict([(obj._get_pk_val(), obj) for obj in qs])
def iterator(
An iterator over the results from applying this QuerySet to the database.
def iterator(self): """ An iterator over the results from applying this QuerySet to the database. """ fill_cache = False if connections[self.db].features.supports_select_related: fill_cache = self.query.select_related if isinstance(fill_cache, dict): requested = fill_cache else: requested = None max_depth = self.query.max_depth extra_select = list(self.query.extra_select) aggregate_select = list(self.query.aggregate_select) only_load = self.query.get_loaded_field_names() if not fill_cache: fields = self.model._meta.concrete_fields load_fields = [] # If only/defer clauses have been specified, # build the list of fields that are to be loaded. if only_load: for field, model in self.model._meta.get_concrete_fields_with_model(): if model is None: model = self.model try: if in only_load[model]: # Add a field that has been explicitly included load_fields.append( except KeyError: # Model wasn't explicitly listed in the only_load table # Therefore, we need to load all fields from this model load_fields.append( index_start = len(extra_select) aggregate_start = index_start + len(load_fields or self.model._meta.concrete_fields) skip = None if load_fields and not fill_cache: # Some fields have been deferred, so we have to initialise # via keyword arguments. skip = set() init_list = [] for field in fields: if not in load_fields: skip.add(field.attname) else: init_list.append(field.attname) model_cls = deferred_class_factory(self.model, skip) # Cache db and model outside the loop db = self.db model = self.model compiler = self.query.get_compiler(using=db) if fill_cache: klass_info = get_klass_info(model, max_depth=max_depth, requested=requested, only_load=only_load) for row in compiler.results_iter(): if fill_cache: obj, _ = get_cached_row(row, index_start, db, klass_info, offset=len(aggregate_select)) else: # Omit aggregates in object creation. row_data = row[index_start:aggregate_start] if skip: obj = model_cls(**dict(zip(init_list, row_data))) else: obj = model(*row_data) # Store the source database of the object obj._state.db = db # This object came from the database; it's not being added. obj._state.adding = False if extra_select: for i, k in enumerate(extra_select): setattr(obj, k, row[i]) # Add the aggregates to the model if aggregate_select: for i, aggregate in enumerate(aggregate_select): setattr(obj, aggregate, row[i + aggregate_start]) # Add the known related objects to the model, if there are any if self._known_related_objects: for field, rel_objs in self._known_related_objects.items(): # Avoid overwriting objects loaded e.g. by select_related if hasattr(obj, field.get_cache_name()): continue pk = getattr(obj, field.get_attname()) try: rel_obj = rel_objs[pk] except KeyError: pass # may happen in qs1 | qs2 scenarios else: setattr(obj,, rel_obj) yield obj
def last(
Returns the last object of a query, returns None if no match is found.
def last(self): """ Returns the last object of a query, returns None if no match is found. """ qs = self.reverse() if self.ordered else self.order_by('-pk') try: return qs[0] except IndexError: return None
def latest(
self, field_name=None)
def latest(self, field_name=None): return self._earliest_or_latest(field_name=field_name, direction="-")
def none(
Return an empty result set
def none(self): # redundant with none() in recent Django svn "Return an empty result set" return self.extra(where = ["0 = 1"])
def only(
self, *fields)
Essentially, the opposite of defer. Only the fields passed into this method and that are not already specified as deferred are loaded immediately when the queryset is evaluated.
def only(self, *fields): """ Essentially, the opposite of defer. Only the fields passed into this method and that are not already specified as deferred are loaded immediately when the queryset is evaluated. """ if fields == (None,): # Can only pass None to defer(), not only(), as the rest option. # That won't stop people trying to do this, so let's be explicit. raise TypeError("Cannot pass None as an argument to only().") clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_immediate_loading(fields) return clone
def order_by(
self, *field_names)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with the ordering changed.
def order_by(self, *field_names): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with the ordering changed. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot reorder a query once a slice has been taken." obj = self._clone() obj.query.clear_ordering(force_empty=False) obj.query.add_ordering(*field_names) return obj
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will prefetch the specified Many-To-One and Many-To-Many related objects when the QuerySet is evaluated.
When prefetch_related() is called more than once, the list of lookups to prefetch is appended to. If prefetch_related(None) is called, the the list is cleared.
def publishing_year_range(
def publishing_year_range(self): year_max = self.aggregate(Max('year_published'))['year_published__max'] year_min = self.filter(year_published__gt=0).aggregate(Min('year_published'))['year_published__min'] return year_min, year_max
def quick_search(
self, pattern)
Perform a quick search on code, title and collector name
def quick_search(self, pattern): "Perform a quick search on code, title and collector name" from telemeta.models.collection import MediaCollection pattern = pattern.strip() mod = MediaCollection() fields = mod.to_dict() keys = fields.keys() q = self.by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern) for field in keys: field_str = str(mod._meta.get_field(field)) if 'CharField' in field_str or 'TextField' in field_str: q = q | word_search_q(field, pattern) return self.filter(q)
def recording_year_range(
def recording_year_range(self): from_max = self.aggregate(Max('recorded_from_year'))['recorded_from_year__max'] to_max = self.aggregate(Max('recorded_to_year'))['recorded_to_year__max'] year_max = max(from_max, to_max) from_min = self.filter(recorded_from_year__gt=0).aggregate(Min('recorded_from_year'))['recorded_from_year__min'] to_min = self.filter(recorded_to_year__gt=0).aggregate(Min('recorded_to_year'))['recorded_to_year__min'] year_min = min(from_min, to_min) if not year_max: year_max = year_min elif not year_min: year_min = year_max return year_min, year_max
def reverse(
Reverses the ordering of the QuerySet.
def reverse(self): """ Reverses the ordering of the QuerySet. """ clone = self._clone() clone.query.standard_ordering = not clone.query.standard_ordering return clone
def select_for_update(
self, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select objects with a FOR UPDATE lock.
def select_for_update(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select objects with a FOR UPDATE lock. """ # Default to false for nowait nowait = kwargs.pop('nowait', False) obj = self._clone() obj._for_write = True obj.query.select_for_update = True obj.query.select_for_update_nowait = nowait return obj
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select related objects.
If fields are specified, they must be ForeignKey fields and only those related objects are included in the selection.
If select_related(None) is called, the list is cleared.
def sound(
def sound(self): return self.filter(Q(items__file__contains='/') | Q(items__url__contains='/')).distinct()
def update(
self, **kwargs)
Updates all elements in the current QuerySet, setting all the given fields to the appropriate values.
def update(self, **kwargs): """ Updates all elements in the current QuerySet, setting all the given fields to the appropriate values. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot update a query once a slice has been taken." self._for_write = True query = self.query.clone(sql.UpdateQuery) query.add_update_values(kwargs) with transaction.commit_on_success_unless_managed(using=self.db): rows = query.get_compiler(self.db).execute_sql(None) self._result_cache = None return rows
def using(
self, alias)
Selects which database this QuerySet should excecute its query against.
def using(self, alias): """ Selects which database this QuerySet should excecute its query against. """ clone = self._clone() clone._db = alias return clone
def values(
self, *fields)
def values(self, *fields): return self._clone(klass=ValuesQuerySet, setup=True, _fields=fields)
def values_list(
self, *fields, **kwargs)
def values_list(self, *fields, **kwargs): flat = kwargs.pop('flat', False) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected keyword arguments to values_list: %s' % (list(kwargs),)) if flat and len(fields) > 1: raise TypeError("'flat' is not valid when values_list is called with more than one field.") return self._clone(klass=ValuesListQuerySet, setup=True, flat=flat, _fields=fields)
def virtual(
self, *args)
def virtual(self, *args): qs = self for f in args: if f == 'apparent_collector': if not 'sqlite3' in engine and not 'postgresql_psycopg2' in engine: qs = qs.extra(select={f: 'IF(media_collections.collector_is_creator, ' 'media_collections.creator, media_collections.collector)'}) else: raise Exception("Unsupported virtual field: %s" % f) return qs
def word_search(
self, field, pattern)
def word_search(self, field, pattern): return self.filter(word_search_q(field, pattern))
class MediaCorpusManager
Manage media resource queries
class MediaCorpusManager(CoreManager): "Manage media resource queries" def get_query_set(self): "Return resource query sets" return MediaCorpusQuerySet(self.model) def quick_search(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().quick_search(*args, **kwargs) quick_search.__doc__ = MediaCorpusQuerySet.quick_search.__doc__
Ancestors (in MRO)
- MediaCorpusManager
- telemeta.models.core.CoreManager
- telemeta.models.core.EnhancedManager
- django.db.models.manager.Manager
- __builtin__.object
Class variables
var creation_counter
Instance variables
var db
def __init__(
def __init__(self): super(Manager, self).__init__() self._set_creation_counter() self.model = None self._inherited = False self._db = None
def aggregate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def aggregate(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().aggregate(*args, **kwargs)
def all(
def all(self): return self.get_queryset()
def annotate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().annotate(*args, **kwargs)
def bulk_create(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def bulk_create(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().bulk_create(*args, **kwargs)
def complex_filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def complex_filter(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().complex_filter(*args, **kwargs)
def contribute_to_class(
self, model, name)
def contribute_to_class(self, model, name): # TODO: Use weakref because of possible memory leak / circular reference. self.model = model # Only contribute the manager if the model is concrete if model._meta.abstract: setattr(model, name, AbstractManagerDescriptor(model)) elif model._meta.swapped: setattr(model, name, SwappedManagerDescriptor(model)) else: # if not model._meta.abstract and not model._meta.swapped: setattr(model, name, ManagerDescriptor(self)) if not getattr(model, '_default_manager', None) or self.creation_counter < model._default_manager.creation_counter: model._default_manager = self if model._meta.abstract or (self._inherited and not self.model._meta.proxy): model._meta.abstract_managers.append((self.creation_counter, name, self)) else: model._meta.concrete_managers.append((self.creation_counter, name, self))
def count(
def count(self): return self.get_queryset().count()
def create(
self, **kwargs)
def create(self, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().create(**kwargs)
def dates(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def dates(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().dates(*args, **kwargs)
def datetimes(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def datetimes(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().datetimes(*args, **kwargs)
def db_manager(
self, using)
def db_manager(self, using): obj = copy.copy(self) obj._db = using return obj
def defer(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def defer(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().defer(*args, **kwargs)
def distinct(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def distinct(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().distinct(*args, **kwargs)
def earliest(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def earliest(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().earliest(*args, **kwargs)
def exclude(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def exclude(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().exclude(*args, **kwargs)
def exists(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def exists(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().exists(*args, **kwargs)
def extra(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def extra(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().extra(*args, **kwargs)
def filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().filter(*args, **kwargs)
def first(
def first(self): return self.get_queryset().first()
def get(
self, **kwargs)
def get(self, **kwargs): if kwargs.has_key('public_id'): try: args = kwargs.copy() args['code'] = kwargs['public_id'] args.pop('public_id') return super(CoreManager, self).get(**args) except ObjectDoesNotExist: args = kwargs.copy() args['id'] = kwargs['public_id'] args.pop('public_id') return super(CoreManager, self).get(**args) return super(CoreManager, self).get(**kwargs)
def get_or_create(
self, **kwargs)
def get_or_create(self, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().get_or_create(**kwargs)
def get_query_set(
*args, **kwargs)
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "`%s.%s` is deprecated, use `%s` instead." % (self.class_name, self.old_method_name, self.new_method_name), self.deprecation_warning, 2) return f(*args, **kwargs)
def get_queryset(
Return resource query sets
def get_query_set(self): "Return resource query sets" return MediaCorpusQuerySet(self.model)
def in_bulk(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def in_bulk(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().in_bulk(*args, **kwargs)
def iterator(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def iterator(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().iterator(*args, **kwargs)
def last(
def last(self): return self.get_queryset().last()
def latest(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def latest(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().latest(*args, **kwargs)
def none(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def none(self, *args, **kwargs): "" return self.get_query_set().none(*args, **kwargs)
def only(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def only(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().only(*args, **kwargs)
def order_by(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def order_by(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().order_by(*args, **kwargs)
def quick_search(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Perform a quick search on text and char fields
def quick_search(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().quick_search(*args, **kwargs)
def raw(
self, raw_query, params=None, *args, **kwargs)
def raw(self, raw_query, params=None, *args, **kwargs): return RawQuerySet(raw_query=raw_query, model=self.model, params=params, using=self._db, *args, **kwargs)
def reverse(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def reverse(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().reverse(*args, **kwargs)
def select_for_update(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def select_for_update(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().select_for_update(*args, **kwargs)
def update(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def update(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().update(*args, **kwargs)
def using(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def using(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().using(*args, **kwargs)
def values(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def values(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().values(*args, **kwargs)
def values_list(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def values_list(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().values_list(*args, **kwargs)
class MediaCorpusQuerySet
Base class for all media resource query sets
class MediaCorpusQuerySet(CoreQuerySet): "Base class for all media resource query sets" def quick_search(self, pattern): "Perform a quick search on text and char fields" from telemeta.models.corpus import MediaCorpus mod = MediaCorpus() pattern = pattern.strip() q = Q(code__contains=pattern) fields = mod.to_dict() keys = fields.keys() for field in keys: field_str = str(mod._meta.get_field(field)) if 'CharField' in field_str or 'TextField' in field_str: q = q | word_search_q(field, pattern) return self.filter(q)
Ancestors (in MRO)
- MediaCorpusQuerySet
- telemeta.models.core.CoreQuerySet
- telemeta.models.core.EnhancedQuerySet
- django.db.models.query.QuerySet
- __builtin__.object
Class variables
var value_annotation
Instance variables
var db
Return the database that will be used if this query is executed now
var ordered
Returns True if the QuerySet is ordered -- i.e. has an order_by() clause or a default ordering on the model.
def __init__(
self, model=None, query=None, using=None)
def __init__(self, model=None, query=None, using=None): self.model = model self._db = using self.query = query or sql.Query(self.model) self._result_cache = None self._sticky_filter = False self._for_write = False self._prefetch_related_lookups = [] self._prefetch_done = False self._known_related_objects = {} # {rel_field, {pk: rel_obj}}
def aggregate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a dictionary containing the calculations (aggregation) over the current queryset
If args is present the expression is passed as a kwarg using the Aggregate object's default alias.
def aggregate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a dictionary containing the calculations (aggregation) over the current queryset If args is present the expression is passed as a kwarg using the Aggregate object's default alias. """ if self.query.distinct_fields: raise NotImplementedError("aggregate() + distinct(fields) not implemented.") for arg in args: kwargs[arg.default_alias] = arg query = self.query.clone() for (alias, aggregate_expr) in kwargs.items(): query.add_aggregate(aggregate_expr, self.model, alias, is_summary=True) return query.get_aggregation(using=self.db)
def all(
Returns a new QuerySet that is a copy of the current one. This allows a QuerySet to proxy for a model manager in some cases.
def all(self): """ Returns a new QuerySet that is a copy of the current one. This allows a QuerySet to proxy for a model manager in some cases. """ return self._clone()
def annotate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Return a query set in which the returned objects have been annotated with data aggregated from related fields.
def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return a query set in which the returned objects have been annotated with data aggregated from related fields. """ for arg in args: if arg.default_alias in kwargs: raise ValueError("The named annotation '%s' conflicts with the " "default name for another annotation." % arg.default_alias) kwargs[arg.default_alias] = arg names = getattr(self, '_fields', None) if names is None: names = set(self.model._meta.get_all_field_names()) for aggregate in kwargs: if aggregate in names: raise ValueError("The annotation '%s' conflicts with a field on " "the model." % aggregate) obj = self._clone() obj._setup_aggregate_query(list(kwargs)) # Add the aggregates to the query for (alias, aggregate_expr) in kwargs.items(): obj.query.add_aggregate(aggregate_expr, self.model, alias, is_summary=False) return obj
def bulk_create(
self, objs, batch_size=None)
Inserts each of the instances into the database. This does not call save() on each of the instances, does not send any pre/post save signals, and does not set the primary key attribute if it is an autoincrement field.
def bulk_create(self, objs, batch_size=None): """ Inserts each of the instances into the database. This does *not* call save() on each of the instances, does not send any pre/post save signals, and does not set the primary key attribute if it is an autoincrement field. """ # So this case is fun. When you bulk insert you don't get the primary # keys back (if it's an autoincrement), so you can't insert into the # child tables which references this. There are two workarounds, 1) # this could be implemented if you didn't have an autoincrement pk, # and 2) you could do it by doing O(n) normal inserts into the parent # tables to get the primary keys back, and then doing a single bulk # insert into the childmost table. Some databases might allow doing # this by using RETURNING clause for the insert query. We're punting # on these for now because they are relatively rare cases. assert batch_size is None or batch_size > 0 if self.model._meta.parents: raise ValueError("Can't bulk create an inherited model") if not objs: return objs self._for_write = True connection = connections[self.db] fields = self.model._meta.local_concrete_fields with transaction.commit_on_success_unless_managed(using=self.db): if (connection.features.can_combine_inserts_with_and_without_auto_increment_pk and self.model._meta.has_auto_field): self._batched_insert(objs, fields, batch_size) else: objs_with_pk, objs_without_pk = partition(lambda o: is None, objs) if objs_with_pk: self._batched_insert(objs_with_pk, fields, batch_size) if objs_without_pk: fields= [f for f in fields if not isinstance(f, AutoField)] self._batched_insert(objs_without_pk, fields, batch_size) return objs
def complex_filter(
self, filter_obj)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with filter_obj added to the filters.
filter_obj can be a Q object (or anything with an add_to_query() method) or a dictionary of keyword lookup arguments.
This exists to support framework features such as 'limit_choices_to', and usually it will be more natural to use other methods.
def complex_filter(self, filter_obj): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with filter_obj added to the filters. filter_obj can be a Q object (or anything with an add_to_query() method) or a dictionary of keyword lookup arguments. This exists to support framework features such as 'limit_choices_to', and usually it will be more natural to use other methods. """ if isinstance(filter_obj, Q) or hasattr(filter_obj, 'add_to_query'): clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_q(filter_obj) return clone else: return self._filter_or_exclude(None, **filter_obj)
def count(
Performs a SELECT COUNT() and returns the number of records as an integer.
If the QuerySet is already fully cached this simply returns the length of the cached results set to avoid multiple SELECT COUNT(*) calls.
def count(self): """ Performs a SELECT COUNT() and returns the number of records as an integer. If the QuerySet is already fully cached this simply returns the length of the cached results set to avoid multiple SELECT COUNT(*) calls. """ if self._result_cache is not None: return len(self._result_cache) return self.query.get_count(using=self.db)
def create(
self, **kwargs)
Creates a new object with the given kwargs, saving it to the database and returning the created object.
def create(self, **kwargs): """ Creates a new object with the given kwargs, saving it to the database and returning the created object. """ obj = self.model(**kwargs) self._for_write = True, using=self.db) return obj
def dates(
self, field_name, kind, order='ASC')
Returns a list of date objects representing all available dates for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'.
def dates(self, field_name, kind, order='ASC'): """ Returns a list of date objects representing all available dates for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'. """ assert kind in ("year", "month", "day"), \ "'kind' must be one of 'year', 'month' or 'day'." assert order in ('ASC', 'DESC'), \ "'order' must be either 'ASC' or 'DESC'." return self._clone(klass=DateQuerySet, setup=True, _field_name=field_name, _kind=kind, _order=order)
def datetimes(
self, field_name, kind, order='ASC', tzinfo=None)
Returns a list of datetime objects representing all available datetimes for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'.
def datetimes(self, field_name, kind, order='ASC', tzinfo=None): """ Returns a list of datetime objects representing all available datetimes for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'. """ assert kind in ("year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"), \ "'kind' must be one of 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute' or 'second'." assert order in ('ASC', 'DESC'), \ "'order' must be either 'ASC' or 'DESC'." if settings.USE_TZ: if tzinfo is None: tzinfo = timezone.get_current_timezone() else: tzinfo = None return self._clone(klass=DateTimeQuerySet, setup=True, _field_name=field_name, _kind=kind, _order=order, _tzinfo=tzinfo)
def defer(
self, *fields)
Defers the loading of data for certain fields until they are accessed. The set of fields to defer is added to any existing set of deferred fields. The only exception to this is if None is passed in as the only parameter, in which case all deferrals are removed (None acts as a reset option).
def defer(self, *fields): """ Defers the loading of data for certain fields until they are accessed. The set of fields to defer is added to any existing set of deferred fields. The only exception to this is if None is passed in as the only parameter, in which case all deferrals are removed (None acts as a reset option). """ clone = self._clone() if fields == (None,): clone.query.clear_deferred_loading() else: clone.query.add_deferred_loading(fields) return clone
def delete(
def delete(self): CHUNK=1024 objects = self.model._meta.get_all_related_objects() ii = self.count() values = self.values_list('pk') for related in objects: i = 0 while i < ii: ids = [v[0] for v in values[i:i + CHUNK]] filter = { + '__pk__in': ids} q = related.model.objects.filter(**filter) if isinstance(related.field, WeakForeignKey): update = { None} q.update(**update) else: q.delete() i += CHUNK super(EnhancedQuerySet, self).delete()
def distinct(
self, *field_names)
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select only distinct results.
def distinct(self, *field_names): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select only distinct results. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot create distinct fields once a slice has been taken." obj = self._clone() obj.query.add_distinct_fields(*field_names) return obj
def earliest(
self, field_name=None)
def earliest(self, field_name=None): return self._earliest_or_latest(field_name=field_name, direction="")
def exclude(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with NOT (args) ANDed to the existing set.
def exclude(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with NOT (args) ANDed to the existing set. """ return self._filter_or_exclude(True, *args, **kwargs)
def exists(
def exists(self): if self._result_cache is None: return self.query.has_results(using=self.db) return bool(self._result_cache)
def extra(
self, select=None, where=None, params=None, tables=None, order_by=None, select_params=None)
Adds extra SQL fragments to the query.
def extra(self, select=None, where=None, params=None, tables=None, order_by=None, select_params=None): """ Adds extra SQL fragments to the query. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot change a query once a slice has been taken" clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_extra(select, select_params, where, params, tables, order_by) return clone
def filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with the args ANDed to the existing set.
def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with the args ANDed to the existing set. """ return self._filter_or_exclude(False, *args, **kwargs)
def first(
Returns the first object of a query, returns None if no match is found.
def first(self): """ Returns the first object of a query, returns None if no match is found. """ qs = self if self.ordered else self.order_by('pk') try: return qs[0] except IndexError: return None
def get(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Performs the query and returns a single object matching the given keyword arguments.
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Performs the query and returns a single object matching the given keyword arguments. """ clone = self.filter(*args, **kwargs) if self.query.can_filter(): clone = clone.order_by() num = len(clone) if num == 1: return clone._result_cache[0] if not num: raise self.model.DoesNotExist( "%s matching query does not exist." % self.model._meta.object_name) raise self.model.MultipleObjectsReturned( "get() returned more than one %s -- it returned %s!" % (self.model._meta.object_name, num))
def get_or_create(
self, **kwargs)
Looks up an object with the given kwargs, creating one if necessary. Returns a tuple of (object, created), where created is a boolean specifying whether an object was created.
def get_or_create(self, **kwargs): """ Looks up an object with the given kwargs, creating one if necessary. Returns a tuple of (object, created), where created is a boolean specifying whether an object was created. """ defaults = kwargs.pop('defaults', {}) lookup = kwargs.copy() for f in self.model._meta.fields: if f.attname in lookup: lookup[] = lookup.pop(f.attname) try: self._for_write = True return self.get(**lookup), False except self.model.DoesNotExist: try: params = dict((k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if LOOKUP_SEP not in k) params.update(defaults) obj = self.model(**params) with transaction.atomic(using=self.db):, using=self.db) return obj, True except DatabaseError: exc_info = sys.exc_info() try: return self.get(**lookup), False except self.model.DoesNotExist: # Re-raise the DatabaseError with its original traceback. six.reraise(*exc_info)
def in_bulk(
self, id_list)
Returns a dictionary mapping each of the given IDs to the object with that ID.
def in_bulk(self, id_list): """ Returns a dictionary mapping each of the given IDs to the object with that ID. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot use 'limit' or 'offset' with in_bulk" if not id_list: return {} qs = self.filter(pk__in=id_list).order_by() return dict([(obj._get_pk_val(), obj) for obj in qs])
def iterator(
An iterator over the results from applying this QuerySet to the database.
def iterator(self): """ An iterator over the results from applying this QuerySet to the database. """ fill_cache = False if connections[self.db].features.supports_select_related: fill_cache = self.query.select_related if isinstance(fill_cache, dict): requested = fill_cache else: requested = None max_depth = self.query.max_depth extra_select = list(self.query.extra_select) aggregate_select = list(self.query.aggregate_select) only_load = self.query.get_loaded_field_names() if not fill_cache: fields = self.model._meta.concrete_fields load_fields = [] # If only/defer clauses have been specified, # build the list of fields that are to be loaded. if only_load: for field, model in self.model._meta.get_concrete_fields_with_model(): if model is None: model = self.model try: if in only_load[model]: # Add a field that has been explicitly included load_fields.append( except KeyError: # Model wasn't explicitly listed in the only_load table # Therefore, we need to load all fields from this model load_fields.append( index_start = len(extra_select) aggregate_start = index_start + len(load_fields or self.model._meta.concrete_fields) skip = None if load_fields and not fill_cache: # Some fields have been deferred, so we have to initialise # via keyword arguments. skip = set() init_list = [] for field in fields: if not in load_fields: skip.add(field.attname) else: init_list.append(field.attname) model_cls = deferred_class_factory(self.model, skip) # Cache db and model outside the loop db = self.db model = self.model compiler = self.query.get_compiler(using=db) if fill_cache: klass_info = get_klass_info(model, max_depth=max_depth, requested=requested, only_load=only_load) for row in compiler.results_iter(): if fill_cache: obj, _ = get_cached_row(row, index_start, db, klass_info, offset=len(aggregate_select)) else: # Omit aggregates in object creation. row_data = row[index_start:aggregate_start] if skip: obj = model_cls(**dict(zip(init_list, row_data))) else: obj = model(*row_data) # Store the source database of the object obj._state.db = db # This object came from the database; it's not being added. obj._state.adding = False if extra_select: for i, k in enumerate(extra_select): setattr(obj, k, row[i]) # Add the aggregates to the model if aggregate_select: for i, aggregate in enumerate(aggregate_select): setattr(obj, aggregate, row[i + aggregate_start]) # Add the known related objects to the model, if there are any if self._known_related_objects: for field, rel_objs in self._known_related_objects.items(): # Avoid overwriting objects loaded e.g. by select_related if hasattr(obj, field.get_cache_name()): continue pk = getattr(obj, field.get_attname()) try: rel_obj = rel_objs[pk] except KeyError: pass # may happen in qs1 | qs2 scenarios else: setattr(obj,, rel_obj) yield obj
def last(
Returns the last object of a query, returns None if no match is found.
def last(self): """ Returns the last object of a query, returns None if no match is found. """ qs = self.reverse() if self.ordered else self.order_by('-pk') try: return qs[0] except IndexError: return None
def latest(
self, field_name=None)
def latest(self, field_name=None): return self._earliest_or_latest(field_name=field_name, direction="-")
def none(
Return an empty result set
def none(self): # redundant with none() in recent Django svn "Return an empty result set" return self.extra(where = ["0 = 1"])
def only(
self, *fields)
Essentially, the opposite of defer. Only the fields passed into this method and that are not already specified as deferred are loaded immediately when the queryset is evaluated.
def only(self, *fields): """ Essentially, the opposite of defer. Only the fields passed into this method and that are not already specified as deferred are loaded immediately when the queryset is evaluated. """ if fields == (None,): # Can only pass None to defer(), not only(), as the rest option. # That won't stop people trying to do this, so let's be explicit. raise TypeError("Cannot pass None as an argument to only().") clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_immediate_loading(fields) return clone
def order_by(
self, *field_names)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with the ordering changed.
def order_by(self, *field_names): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with the ordering changed. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot reorder a query once a slice has been taken." obj = self._clone() obj.query.clear_ordering(force_empty=False) obj.query.add_ordering(*field_names) return obj
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will prefetch the specified Many-To-One and Many-To-Many related objects when the QuerySet is evaluated.
When prefetch_related() is called more than once, the list of lookups to prefetch is appended to. If prefetch_related(None) is called, the the list is cleared.
def quick_search(
self, pattern)
Perform a quick search on text and char fields
def quick_search(self, pattern): "Perform a quick search on text and char fields" from telemeta.models.corpus import MediaCorpus mod = MediaCorpus() pattern = pattern.strip() q = Q(code__contains=pattern) fields = mod.to_dict() keys = fields.keys() for field in keys: field_str = str(mod._meta.get_field(field)) if 'CharField' in field_str or 'TextField' in field_str: q = q | word_search_q(field, pattern) return self.filter(q)
def reverse(
Reverses the ordering of the QuerySet.
def reverse(self): """ Reverses the ordering of the QuerySet. """ clone = self._clone() clone.query.standard_ordering = not clone.query.standard_ordering return clone
def select_for_update(
self, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select objects with a FOR UPDATE lock.
def select_for_update(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select objects with a FOR UPDATE lock. """ # Default to false for nowait nowait = kwargs.pop('nowait', False) obj = self._clone() obj._for_write = True obj.query.select_for_update = True obj.query.select_for_update_nowait = nowait return obj
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select related objects.
If fields are specified, they must be ForeignKey fields and only those related objects are included in the selection.
If select_related(None) is called, the list is cleared.
def update(
self, **kwargs)
Updates all elements in the current QuerySet, setting all the given fields to the appropriate values.
def update(self, **kwargs): """ Updates all elements in the current QuerySet, setting all the given fields to the appropriate values. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot update a query once a slice has been taken." self._for_write = True query = self.query.clone(sql.UpdateQuery) query.add_update_values(kwargs) with transaction.commit_on_success_unless_managed(using=self.db): rows = query.get_compiler(self.db).execute_sql(None) self._result_cache = None return rows
def using(
self, alias)
Selects which database this QuerySet should excecute its query against.
def using(self, alias): """ Selects which database this QuerySet should excecute its query against. """ clone = self._clone() clone._db = alias return clone
def values(
self, *fields)
def values(self, *fields): return self._clone(klass=ValuesQuerySet, setup=True, _fields=fields)
def values_list(
self, *fields, **kwargs)
def values_list(self, *fields, **kwargs): flat = kwargs.pop('flat', False) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected keyword arguments to values_list: %s' % (list(kwargs),)) if flat and len(fields) > 1: raise TypeError("'flat' is not valid when values_list is called with more than one field.") return self._clone(klass=ValuesListQuerySet, setup=True, flat=flat, _fields=fields)
def word_search(
self, field, pattern)
def word_search(self, field, pattern): return self.filter(word_search_q(field, pattern))
class MediaFondsManager
Manage media resource queries
class MediaFondsManager(CoreManager): "Manage media resource queries" def get_query_set(self): "Return resource query sets" return MediaFondsQuerySet(self.model) def quick_search(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().quick_search(*args, **kwargs) quick_search.__doc__ = MediaFondsQuerySet.quick_search.__doc__
Ancestors (in MRO)
- MediaFondsManager
- telemeta.models.core.CoreManager
- telemeta.models.core.EnhancedManager
- django.db.models.manager.Manager
- __builtin__.object
Class variables
var creation_counter
Instance variables
var db
def __init__(
def __init__(self): super(Manager, self).__init__() self._set_creation_counter() self.model = None self._inherited = False self._db = None
def aggregate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def aggregate(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().aggregate(*args, **kwargs)
def all(
def all(self): return self.get_queryset()
def annotate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().annotate(*args, **kwargs)
def bulk_create(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def bulk_create(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().bulk_create(*args, **kwargs)
def complex_filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def complex_filter(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().complex_filter(*args, **kwargs)
def contribute_to_class(
self, model, name)
def contribute_to_class(self, model, name): # TODO: Use weakref because of possible memory leak / circular reference. self.model = model # Only contribute the manager if the model is concrete if model._meta.abstract: setattr(model, name, AbstractManagerDescriptor(model)) elif model._meta.swapped: setattr(model, name, SwappedManagerDescriptor(model)) else: # if not model._meta.abstract and not model._meta.swapped: setattr(model, name, ManagerDescriptor(self)) if not getattr(model, '_default_manager', None) or self.creation_counter < model._default_manager.creation_counter: model._default_manager = self if model._meta.abstract or (self._inherited and not self.model._meta.proxy): model._meta.abstract_managers.append((self.creation_counter, name, self)) else: model._meta.concrete_managers.append((self.creation_counter, name, self))
def count(
def count(self): return self.get_queryset().count()
def create(
self, **kwargs)
def create(self, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().create(**kwargs)
def dates(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def dates(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().dates(*args, **kwargs)
def datetimes(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def datetimes(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().datetimes(*args, **kwargs)
def db_manager(
self, using)
def db_manager(self, using): obj = copy.copy(self) obj._db = using return obj
def defer(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def defer(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().defer(*args, **kwargs)
def distinct(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def distinct(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().distinct(*args, **kwargs)
def earliest(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def earliest(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().earliest(*args, **kwargs)
def exclude(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def exclude(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().exclude(*args, **kwargs)
def exists(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def exists(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().exists(*args, **kwargs)
def extra(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def extra(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().extra(*args, **kwargs)
def filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().filter(*args, **kwargs)
def first(
def first(self): return self.get_queryset().first()
def get(
self, **kwargs)
def get(self, **kwargs): if kwargs.has_key('public_id'): try: args = kwargs.copy() args['code'] = kwargs['public_id'] args.pop('public_id') return super(CoreManager, self).get(**args) except ObjectDoesNotExist: args = kwargs.copy() args['id'] = kwargs['public_id'] args.pop('public_id') return super(CoreManager, self).get(**args) return super(CoreManager, self).get(**kwargs)
def get_or_create(
self, **kwargs)
def get_or_create(self, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().get_or_create(**kwargs)
def get_query_set(
*args, **kwargs)
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "`%s.%s` is deprecated, use `%s` instead." % (self.class_name, self.old_method_name, self.new_method_name), self.deprecation_warning, 2) return f(*args, **kwargs)
def get_queryset(
Return resource query sets
def get_query_set(self): "Return resource query sets" return MediaFondsQuerySet(self.model)
def in_bulk(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def in_bulk(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().in_bulk(*args, **kwargs)
def iterator(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def iterator(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().iterator(*args, **kwargs)
def last(
def last(self): return self.get_queryset().last()
def latest(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def latest(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().latest(*args, **kwargs)
def none(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def none(self, *args, **kwargs): "" return self.get_query_set().none(*args, **kwargs)
def only(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def only(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().only(*args, **kwargs)
def order_by(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def order_by(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().order_by(*args, **kwargs)
def quick_search(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Perform a quick search on text and char fields
def quick_search(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().quick_search(*args, **kwargs)
def raw(
self, raw_query, params=None, *args, **kwargs)
def raw(self, raw_query, params=None, *args, **kwargs): return RawQuerySet(raw_query=raw_query, model=self.model, params=params, using=self._db, *args, **kwargs)
def reverse(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def reverse(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().reverse(*args, **kwargs)
def select_for_update(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def select_for_update(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().select_for_update(*args, **kwargs)
def update(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def update(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().update(*args, **kwargs)
def using(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def using(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().using(*args, **kwargs)
def values(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def values(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().values(*args, **kwargs)
def values_list(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def values_list(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().values_list(*args, **kwargs)
class MediaFondsQuerySet
Base class for all media resource query sets
class MediaFondsQuerySet(CoreQuerySet): "Base class for all media resource query sets" def quick_search(self, pattern): "Perform a quick search on text and char fields" from telemeta.models.fonds import MediaFonds mod = MediaFonds() pattern = pattern.strip() q = Q(code__contains=pattern) fields = mod.to_dict() keys = fields.keys() for field in keys: field_str = str(mod._meta.get_field(field)) if 'CharField' in field_str or 'TextField' in field_str: q = q | word_search_q(field, pattern) return self.filter(q)
Ancestors (in MRO)
- MediaFondsQuerySet
- telemeta.models.core.CoreQuerySet
- telemeta.models.core.EnhancedQuerySet
- django.db.models.query.QuerySet
- __builtin__.object
Class variables
var value_annotation
Instance variables
var db
Return the database that will be used if this query is executed now
var ordered
Returns True if the QuerySet is ordered -- i.e. has an order_by() clause or a default ordering on the model.
def __init__(
self, model=None, query=None, using=None)
def __init__(self, model=None, query=None, using=None): self.model = model self._db = using self.query = query or sql.Query(self.model) self._result_cache = None self._sticky_filter = False self._for_write = False self._prefetch_related_lookups = [] self._prefetch_done = False self._known_related_objects = {} # {rel_field, {pk: rel_obj}}
def aggregate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a dictionary containing the calculations (aggregation) over the current queryset
If args is present the expression is passed as a kwarg using the Aggregate object's default alias.
def aggregate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a dictionary containing the calculations (aggregation) over the current queryset If args is present the expression is passed as a kwarg using the Aggregate object's default alias. """ if self.query.distinct_fields: raise NotImplementedError("aggregate() + distinct(fields) not implemented.") for arg in args: kwargs[arg.default_alias] = arg query = self.query.clone() for (alias, aggregate_expr) in kwargs.items(): query.add_aggregate(aggregate_expr, self.model, alias, is_summary=True) return query.get_aggregation(using=self.db)
def all(
Returns a new QuerySet that is a copy of the current one. This allows a QuerySet to proxy for a model manager in some cases.
def all(self): """ Returns a new QuerySet that is a copy of the current one. This allows a QuerySet to proxy for a model manager in some cases. """ return self._clone()
def annotate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Return a query set in which the returned objects have been annotated with data aggregated from related fields.
def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return a query set in which the returned objects have been annotated with data aggregated from related fields. """ for arg in args: if arg.default_alias in kwargs: raise ValueError("The named annotation '%s' conflicts with the " "default name for another annotation." % arg.default_alias) kwargs[arg.default_alias] = arg names = getattr(self, '_fields', None) if names is None: names = set(self.model._meta.get_all_field_names()) for aggregate in kwargs: if aggregate in names: raise ValueError("The annotation '%s' conflicts with a field on " "the model." % aggregate) obj = self._clone() obj._setup_aggregate_query(list(kwargs)) # Add the aggregates to the query for (alias, aggregate_expr) in kwargs.items(): obj.query.add_aggregate(aggregate_expr, self.model, alias, is_summary=False) return obj
def bulk_create(
self, objs, batch_size=None)
Inserts each of the instances into the database. This does not call save() on each of the instances, does not send any pre/post save signals, and does not set the primary key attribute if it is an autoincrement field.
def bulk_create(self, objs, batch_size=None): """ Inserts each of the instances into the database. This does *not* call save() on each of the instances, does not send any pre/post save signals, and does not set the primary key attribute if it is an autoincrement field. """ # So this case is fun. When you bulk insert you don't get the primary # keys back (if it's an autoincrement), so you can't insert into the # child tables which references this. There are two workarounds, 1) # this could be implemented if you didn't have an autoincrement pk, # and 2) you could do it by doing O(n) normal inserts into the parent # tables to get the primary keys back, and then doing a single bulk # insert into the childmost table. Some databases might allow doing # this by using RETURNING clause for the insert query. We're punting # on these for now because they are relatively rare cases. assert batch_size is None or batch_size > 0 if self.model._meta.parents: raise ValueError("Can't bulk create an inherited model") if not objs: return objs self._for_write = True connection = connections[self.db] fields = self.model._meta.local_concrete_fields with transaction.commit_on_success_unless_managed(using=self.db): if (connection.features.can_combine_inserts_with_and_without_auto_increment_pk and self.model._meta.has_auto_field): self._batched_insert(objs, fields, batch_size) else: objs_with_pk, objs_without_pk = partition(lambda o: is None, objs) if objs_with_pk: self._batched_insert(objs_with_pk, fields, batch_size) if objs_without_pk: fields= [f for f in fields if not isinstance(f, AutoField)] self._batched_insert(objs_without_pk, fields, batch_size) return objs
def complex_filter(
self, filter_obj)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with filter_obj added to the filters.
filter_obj can be a Q object (or anything with an add_to_query() method) or a dictionary of keyword lookup arguments.
This exists to support framework features such as 'limit_choices_to', and usually it will be more natural to use other methods.
def complex_filter(self, filter_obj): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with filter_obj added to the filters. filter_obj can be a Q object (or anything with an add_to_query() method) or a dictionary of keyword lookup arguments. This exists to support framework features such as 'limit_choices_to', and usually it will be more natural to use other methods. """ if isinstance(filter_obj, Q) or hasattr(filter_obj, 'add_to_query'): clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_q(filter_obj) return clone else: return self._filter_or_exclude(None, **filter_obj)
def count(
Performs a SELECT COUNT() and returns the number of records as an integer.
If the QuerySet is already fully cached this simply returns the length of the cached results set to avoid multiple SELECT COUNT(*) calls.
def count(self): """ Performs a SELECT COUNT() and returns the number of records as an integer. If the QuerySet is already fully cached this simply returns the length of the cached results set to avoid multiple SELECT COUNT(*) calls. """ if self._result_cache is not None: return len(self._result_cache) return self.query.get_count(using=self.db)
def create(
self, **kwargs)
Creates a new object with the given kwargs, saving it to the database and returning the created object.
def create(self, **kwargs): """ Creates a new object with the given kwargs, saving it to the database and returning the created object. """ obj = self.model(**kwargs) self._for_write = True, using=self.db) return obj
def dates(
self, field_name, kind, order='ASC')
Returns a list of date objects representing all available dates for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'.
def dates(self, field_name, kind, order='ASC'): """ Returns a list of date objects representing all available dates for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'. """ assert kind in ("year", "month", "day"), \ "'kind' must be one of 'year', 'month' or 'day'." assert order in ('ASC', 'DESC'), \ "'order' must be either 'ASC' or 'DESC'." return self._clone(klass=DateQuerySet, setup=True, _field_name=field_name, _kind=kind, _order=order)
def datetimes(
self, field_name, kind, order='ASC', tzinfo=None)
Returns a list of datetime objects representing all available datetimes for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'.
def datetimes(self, field_name, kind, order='ASC', tzinfo=None): """ Returns a list of datetime objects representing all available datetimes for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'. """ assert kind in ("year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"), \ "'kind' must be one of 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute' or 'second'." assert order in ('ASC', 'DESC'), \ "'order' must be either 'ASC' or 'DESC'." if settings.USE_TZ: if tzinfo is None: tzinfo = timezone.get_current_timezone() else: tzinfo = None return self._clone(klass=DateTimeQuerySet, setup=True, _field_name=field_name, _kind=kind, _order=order, _tzinfo=tzinfo)
def defer(
self, *fields)
Defers the loading of data for certain fields until they are accessed. The set of fields to defer is added to any existing set of deferred fields. The only exception to this is if None is passed in as the only parameter, in which case all deferrals are removed (None acts as a reset option).
def defer(self, *fields): """ Defers the loading of data for certain fields until they are accessed. The set of fields to defer is added to any existing set of deferred fields. The only exception to this is if None is passed in as the only parameter, in which case all deferrals are removed (None acts as a reset option). """ clone = self._clone() if fields == (None,): clone.query.clear_deferred_loading() else: clone.query.add_deferred_loading(fields) return clone
def delete(
def delete(self): CHUNK=1024 objects = self.model._meta.get_all_related_objects() ii = self.count() values = self.values_list('pk') for related in objects: i = 0 while i < ii: ids = [v[0] for v in values[i:i + CHUNK]] filter = { + '__pk__in': ids} q = related.model.objects.filter(**filter) if isinstance(related.field, WeakForeignKey): update = { None} q.update(**update) else: q.delete() i += CHUNK super(EnhancedQuerySet, self).delete()
def distinct(
self, *field_names)
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select only distinct results.
def distinct(self, *field_names): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select only distinct results. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot create distinct fields once a slice has been taken." obj = self._clone() obj.query.add_distinct_fields(*field_names) return obj
def earliest(
self, field_name=None)
def earliest(self, field_name=None): return self._earliest_or_latest(field_name=field_name, direction="")
def exclude(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with NOT (args) ANDed to the existing set.
def exclude(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with NOT (args) ANDed to the existing set. """ return self._filter_or_exclude(True, *args, **kwargs)
def exists(
def exists(self): if self._result_cache is None: return self.query.has_results(using=self.db) return bool(self._result_cache)
def extra(
self, select=None, where=None, params=None, tables=None, order_by=None, select_params=None)
Adds extra SQL fragments to the query.
def extra(self, select=None, where=None, params=None, tables=None, order_by=None, select_params=None): """ Adds extra SQL fragments to the query. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot change a query once a slice has been taken" clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_extra(select, select_params, where, params, tables, order_by) return clone
def filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with the args ANDed to the existing set.
def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with the args ANDed to the existing set. """ return self._filter_or_exclude(False, *args, **kwargs)
def first(
Returns the first object of a query, returns None if no match is found.
def first(self): """ Returns the first object of a query, returns None if no match is found. """ qs = self if self.ordered else self.order_by('pk') try: return qs[0] except IndexError: return None
def get(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Performs the query and returns a single object matching the given keyword arguments.
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Performs the query and returns a single object matching the given keyword arguments. """ clone = self.filter(*args, **kwargs) if self.query.can_filter(): clone = clone.order_by() num = len(clone) if num == 1: return clone._result_cache[0] if not num: raise self.model.DoesNotExist( "%s matching query does not exist." % self.model._meta.object_name) raise self.model.MultipleObjectsReturned( "get() returned more than one %s -- it returned %s!" % (self.model._meta.object_name, num))
def get_or_create(
self, **kwargs)
Looks up an object with the given kwargs, creating one if necessary. Returns a tuple of (object, created), where created is a boolean specifying whether an object was created.
def get_or_create(self, **kwargs): """ Looks up an object with the given kwargs, creating one if necessary. Returns a tuple of (object, created), where created is a boolean specifying whether an object was created. """ defaults = kwargs.pop('defaults', {}) lookup = kwargs.copy() for f in self.model._meta.fields: if f.attname in lookup: lookup[] = lookup.pop(f.attname) try: self._for_write = True return self.get(**lookup), False except self.model.DoesNotExist: try: params = dict((k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if LOOKUP_SEP not in k) params.update(defaults) obj = self.model(**params) with transaction.atomic(using=self.db):, using=self.db) return obj, True except DatabaseError: exc_info = sys.exc_info() try: return self.get(**lookup), False except self.model.DoesNotExist: # Re-raise the DatabaseError with its original traceback. six.reraise(*exc_info)
def in_bulk(
self, id_list)
Returns a dictionary mapping each of the given IDs to the object with that ID.
def in_bulk(self, id_list): """ Returns a dictionary mapping each of the given IDs to the object with that ID. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot use 'limit' or 'offset' with in_bulk" if not id_list: return {} qs = self.filter(pk__in=id_list).order_by() return dict([(obj._get_pk_val(), obj) for obj in qs])
def iterator(
An iterator over the results from applying this QuerySet to the database.
def iterator(self): """ An iterator over the results from applying this QuerySet to the database. """ fill_cache = False if connections[self.db].features.supports_select_related: fill_cache = self.query.select_related if isinstance(fill_cache, dict): requested = fill_cache else: requested = None max_depth = self.query.max_depth extra_select = list(self.query.extra_select) aggregate_select = list(self.query.aggregate_select) only_load = self.query.get_loaded_field_names() if not fill_cache: fields = self.model._meta.concrete_fields load_fields = [] # If only/defer clauses have been specified, # build the list of fields that are to be loaded. if only_load: for field, model in self.model._meta.get_concrete_fields_with_model(): if model is None: model = self.model try: if in only_load[model]: # Add a field that has been explicitly included load_fields.append( except KeyError: # Model wasn't explicitly listed in the only_load table # Therefore, we need to load all fields from this model load_fields.append( index_start = len(extra_select) aggregate_start = index_start + len(load_fields or self.model._meta.concrete_fields) skip = None if load_fields and not fill_cache: # Some fields have been deferred, so we have to initialise # via keyword arguments. skip = set() init_list = [] for field in fields: if not in load_fields: skip.add(field.attname) else: init_list.append(field.attname) model_cls = deferred_class_factory(self.model, skip) # Cache db and model outside the loop db = self.db model = self.model compiler = self.query.get_compiler(using=db) if fill_cache: klass_info = get_klass_info(model, max_depth=max_depth, requested=requested, only_load=only_load) for row in compiler.results_iter(): if fill_cache: obj, _ = get_cached_row(row, index_start, db, klass_info, offset=len(aggregate_select)) else: # Omit aggregates in object creation. row_data = row[index_start:aggregate_start] if skip: obj = model_cls(**dict(zip(init_list, row_data))) else: obj = model(*row_data) # Store the source database of the object obj._state.db = db # This object came from the database; it's not being added. obj._state.adding = False if extra_select: for i, k in enumerate(extra_select): setattr(obj, k, row[i]) # Add the aggregates to the model if aggregate_select: for i, aggregate in enumerate(aggregate_select): setattr(obj, aggregate, row[i + aggregate_start]) # Add the known related objects to the model, if there are any if self._known_related_objects: for field, rel_objs in self._known_related_objects.items(): # Avoid overwriting objects loaded e.g. by select_related if hasattr(obj, field.get_cache_name()): continue pk = getattr(obj, field.get_attname()) try: rel_obj = rel_objs[pk] except KeyError: pass # may happen in qs1 | qs2 scenarios else: setattr(obj,, rel_obj) yield obj
def last(
Returns the last object of a query, returns None if no match is found.
def last(self): """ Returns the last object of a query, returns None if no match is found. """ qs = self.reverse() if self.ordered else self.order_by('-pk') try: return qs[0] except IndexError: return None
def latest(
self, field_name=None)
def latest(self, field_name=None): return self._earliest_or_latest(field_name=field_name, direction="-")
def none(
Return an empty result set
def none(self): # redundant with none() in recent Django svn "Return an empty result set" return self.extra(where = ["0 = 1"])
def only(
self, *fields)
Essentially, the opposite of defer. Only the fields passed into this method and that are not already specified as deferred are loaded immediately when the queryset is evaluated.
def only(self, *fields): """ Essentially, the opposite of defer. Only the fields passed into this method and that are not already specified as deferred are loaded immediately when the queryset is evaluated. """ if fields == (None,): # Can only pass None to defer(), not only(), as the rest option. # That won't stop people trying to do this, so let's be explicit. raise TypeError("Cannot pass None as an argument to only().") clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_immediate_loading(fields) return clone
def order_by(
self, *field_names)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with the ordering changed.
def order_by(self, *field_names): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with the ordering changed. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot reorder a query once a slice has been taken." obj = self._clone() obj.query.clear_ordering(force_empty=False) obj.query.add_ordering(*field_names) return obj
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will prefetch the specified Many-To-One and Many-To-Many related objects when the QuerySet is evaluated.
When prefetch_related() is called more than once, the list of lookups to prefetch is appended to. If prefetch_related(None) is called, the the list is cleared.
def quick_search(
self, pattern)
Perform a quick search on text and char fields
def quick_search(self, pattern): "Perform a quick search on text and char fields" from telemeta.models.fonds import MediaFonds mod = MediaFonds() pattern = pattern.strip() q = Q(code__contains=pattern) fields = mod.to_dict() keys = fields.keys() for field in keys: field_str = str(mod._meta.get_field(field)) if 'CharField' in field_str or 'TextField' in field_str: q = q | word_search_q(field, pattern) return self.filter(q)
def reverse(
Reverses the ordering of the QuerySet.
def reverse(self): """ Reverses the ordering of the QuerySet. """ clone = self._clone() clone.query.standard_ordering = not clone.query.standard_ordering return clone
def select_for_update(
self, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select objects with a FOR UPDATE lock.
def select_for_update(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select objects with a FOR UPDATE lock. """ # Default to false for nowait nowait = kwargs.pop('nowait', False) obj = self._clone() obj._for_write = True obj.query.select_for_update = True obj.query.select_for_update_nowait = nowait return obj
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select related objects.
If fields are specified, they must be ForeignKey fields and only those related objects are included in the selection.
If select_related(None) is called, the list is cleared.
def update(
self, **kwargs)
Updates all elements in the current QuerySet, setting all the given fields to the appropriate values.
def update(self, **kwargs): """ Updates all elements in the current QuerySet, setting all the given fields to the appropriate values. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot update a query once a slice has been taken." self._for_write = True query = self.query.clone(sql.UpdateQuery) query.add_update_values(kwargs) with transaction.commit_on_success_unless_managed(using=self.db): rows = query.get_compiler(self.db).execute_sql(None) self._result_cache = None return rows
def using(
self, alias)
Selects which database this QuerySet should excecute its query against.
def using(self, alias): """ Selects which database this QuerySet should excecute its query against. """ clone = self._clone() clone._db = alias return clone
def values(
self, *fields)
def values(self, *fields): return self._clone(klass=ValuesQuerySet, setup=True, _fields=fields)
def values_list(
self, *fields, **kwargs)
def values_list(self, *fields, **kwargs): flat = kwargs.pop('flat', False) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected keyword arguments to values_list: %s' % (list(kwargs),)) if flat and len(fields) > 1: raise TypeError("'flat' is not valid when values_list is called with more than one field.") return self._clone(klass=ValuesListQuerySet, setup=True, flat=flat, _fields=fields)
def word_search(
self, field, pattern)
def word_search(self, field, pattern): return self.filter(word_search_q(field, pattern))
class MediaItemManager
Manage media items queries
class MediaItemManager(CoreManager): "Manage media items queries" def get_query_set(self): "Return media query sets" return MediaItemQuerySet(self.model) def enriched(self): "Query set with additional virtual fields such as apparent_collector and country_or_continent" return self.get_query_set().virtual('apparent_collector', 'country_or_continent') def quick_search(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().quick_search(*args, **kwargs) quick_search.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.quick_search.__doc__ def without_collection(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().without_collection(*args, **kwargs) without_collection.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.without_collection.__doc__ def by_recording_date(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_recording_date(*args, **kwargs) by_recording_date.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.by_recording_date.__doc__ def by_title(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_title(*args, **kwargs) by_title.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.by_title.__doc__ def by_publish_year(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_publish_year(*args, **kwargs) by_publish_year.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.by_publish_year.__doc__ def by_change_time(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_change_time(*args, **kwargs) by_change_time.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.by_change_time.__doc__ def by_location(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_location(*args, **kwargs) by_location.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.by_location.__doc__ def sound(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().sound(*args, **kwargs) sound.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.sound.__doc__ def sound_public(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().sound_public(*args, **kwargs) sound_public.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.sound_public.__doc__ def by_instrument(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_instrument(*args, **kwargs) by_instrument.__doc__ = MediaItemQuerySet.by_instrument.__doc__
Ancestors (in MRO)
- MediaItemManager
- telemeta.models.core.CoreManager
- telemeta.models.core.EnhancedManager
- django.db.models.manager.Manager
- __builtin__.object
Class variables
var creation_counter
Instance variables
var db
def __init__(
def __init__(self): super(Manager, self).__init__() self._set_creation_counter() self.model = None self._inherited = False self._db = None
def aggregate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def aggregate(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().aggregate(*args, **kwargs)
def all(
def all(self): return self.get_queryset()
def annotate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().annotate(*args, **kwargs)
def bulk_create(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def bulk_create(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().bulk_create(*args, **kwargs)
def by_change_time(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Find items by last change time
def by_change_time(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_change_time(*args, **kwargs)
def by_instrument(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Find items by instrument
def by_instrument(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_instrument(*args, **kwargs)
def by_location(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Find items by location
def by_location(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_location(*args, **kwargs)
def by_publish_year(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Find items by publishing year
def by_publish_year(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_publish_year(*args, **kwargs)
def by_recording_date(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Find items by recording date
def by_recording_date(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_recording_date(*args, **kwargs)
def by_title(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Find items by title
def by_title(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().by_title(*args, **kwargs)
def complex_filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def complex_filter(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().complex_filter(*args, **kwargs)
def contribute_to_class(
self, model, name)
def contribute_to_class(self, model, name): # TODO: Use weakref because of possible memory leak / circular reference. self.model = model # Only contribute the manager if the model is concrete if model._meta.abstract: setattr(model, name, AbstractManagerDescriptor(model)) elif model._meta.swapped: setattr(model, name, SwappedManagerDescriptor(model)) else: # if not model._meta.abstract and not model._meta.swapped: setattr(model, name, ManagerDescriptor(self)) if not getattr(model, '_default_manager', None) or self.creation_counter < model._default_manager.creation_counter: model._default_manager = self if model._meta.abstract or (self._inherited and not self.model._meta.proxy): model._meta.abstract_managers.append((self.creation_counter, name, self)) else: model._meta.concrete_managers.append((self.creation_counter, name, self))
def count(
def count(self): return self.get_queryset().count()
def create(
self, **kwargs)
def create(self, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().create(**kwargs)
def dates(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def dates(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().dates(*args, **kwargs)
def datetimes(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def datetimes(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().datetimes(*args, **kwargs)
def db_manager(
self, using)
def db_manager(self, using): obj = copy.copy(self) obj._db = using return obj
def defer(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def defer(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().defer(*args, **kwargs)
def distinct(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def distinct(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().distinct(*args, **kwargs)
def earliest(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def earliest(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().earliest(*args, **kwargs)
def enriched(
Query set with additional virtual fields such as apparent_collector and country_or_continent
def enriched(self): "Query set with additional virtual fields such as apparent_collector and country_or_continent" return self.get_query_set().virtual('apparent_collector', 'country_or_continent')
def exclude(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def exclude(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().exclude(*args, **kwargs)
def exists(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def exists(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().exists(*args, **kwargs)
def extra(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def extra(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().extra(*args, **kwargs)
def filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().filter(*args, **kwargs)
def first(
def first(self): return self.get_queryset().first()
def get(
self, **kwargs)
def get(self, **kwargs): if kwargs.has_key('public_id'): try: args = kwargs.copy() args['code'] = kwargs['public_id'] args.pop('public_id') return super(CoreManager, self).get(**args) except ObjectDoesNotExist: args = kwargs.copy() args['id'] = kwargs['public_id'] args.pop('public_id') return super(CoreManager, self).get(**args) return super(CoreManager, self).get(**kwargs)
def get_or_create(
self, **kwargs)
def get_or_create(self, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().get_or_create(**kwargs)
def get_query_set(
*args, **kwargs)
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "`%s.%s` is deprecated, use `%s` instead." % (self.class_name, self.old_method_name, self.new_method_name), self.deprecation_warning, 2) return f(*args, **kwargs)
def get_queryset(
Return media query sets
def get_query_set(self): "Return media query sets" return MediaItemQuerySet(self.model)
def in_bulk(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def in_bulk(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().in_bulk(*args, **kwargs)
def iterator(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def iterator(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().iterator(*args, **kwargs)
def last(
def last(self): return self.get_queryset().last()
def latest(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def latest(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().latest(*args, **kwargs)
def none(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def none(self, *args, **kwargs): "" return self.get_query_set().none(*args, **kwargs)
def only(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def only(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().only(*args, **kwargs)
def order_by(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def order_by(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().order_by(*args, **kwargs)
def quick_search(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Perform a quick search on code, title and collector name
def quick_search(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().quick_search(*args, **kwargs)
def raw(
self, raw_query, params=None, *args, **kwargs)
def raw(self, raw_query, params=None, *args, **kwargs): return RawQuerySet(raw_query=raw_query, model=self.model, params=params, using=self._db, *args, **kwargs)
def reverse(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def reverse(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().reverse(*args, **kwargs)
def select_for_update(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def select_for_update(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().select_for_update(*args, **kwargs)
def sound(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def sound(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().sound(*args, **kwargs)
def sound_public(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def sound_public(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().sound_public(*args, **kwargs)
def update(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def update(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().update(*args, **kwargs)
def using(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def using(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().using(*args, **kwargs)
def values(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def values(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().values(*args, **kwargs)
def values_list(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def values_list(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_queryset().values_list(*args, **kwargs)
def without_collection(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Find items which do not belong to any collection
def without_collection(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().without_collection(*args, **kwargs)
class MediaItemQuerySet
Base class for all media item query sets
class MediaItemQuerySet(CoreQuerySet): "Base class for all media item query sets" def quick_search(self, pattern): "Perform a quick search on code, title and collector name" # from import MediaItem # pattern = pattern.strip() # mod = MediaItem() # fields = mod.to_dict() # keys = fields.keys() # q = self.by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern) # for field in keys: # field_str = str(mod._meta.get_field(field)) # if 'CharField' in field_str or 'TextField' in field_str: # q = q | word_search_q(field, pattern) q = ( Q(code__contains=pattern) | Q(old_code__contains=pattern) | word_search_q('title', pattern) | word_search_q('comment', pattern) | self.by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern) ) return self.filter(q) def without_collection(self): "Find items which do not belong to any collection" return self.extra( where = ["collection_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM media_collections)"]); def by_public_id(self, public_id): "Find items by public_id" return self.filter(public_id=public_id) def by_recording_date(self, from_date, to_date = None): "Find items by recording date" if to_date is None: return (self.filter(recorded_from_date__lte=from_date, recorded_to_date__gte=from_date)) else : return (self.filter(Q(recorded_from_date__range=(from_date, to_date)) | Q(recorded_to_date__range=(from_date, to_date)))) def by_title(self, pattern): "Find items by title" # to (sort of) sync with return self.filter(word_search_q("title", pattern) | (Q(title="") & word_search_q("collection__title", pattern))) def by_publish_year(self, from_year, to_year = None): "Find items by publishing year" if to_year is None: to_year = from_year return self.filter(collection__year_published__range=(from_year, to_year)) def by_change_time(self, from_time = None, until_time = None): "Find items by last change time" return self._by_change_time('item', from_time, until_time) def by_location(self, location): "Find items by location" return self.filter(location__in=location.apparented()) @staticmethod def __name_cmp(obj1, obj2): return unaccent_icmp(, def locations(self): from telemeta.models import Location, LocationRelation l = self.values('location') c = self.values('location__current_location') r = LocationRelation.objects.filter(location__in=l).values('ancestor_location') return Location.objects.filter(Q(pk__in=l) | Q(pk__in=r) | Q(pk__in=c)) def countries(self, group_by_continent=False): countries = [] from telemeta.models import Location for id in self.filter(location__isnull=False).values_list('location', flat=True).distinct(): location = Location.objects.get(pk=id) for l in location.countries(): c = l.current_location if not c in countries: countries.append(c) if group_by_continent: grouped = {} for country in countries: for continent in country.continents(): if not grouped.has_key(continent): grouped[continent] = [] grouped[continent].append(country) keys = grouped.keys() keys.sort(self.__name_cmp) ordered = [] for c in keys: grouped[c].sort(self.__name_cmp) ordered.append({'continent': c, 'countries': grouped[c]}) countries = ordered else: countries.sort(self.__name_cmp) return countries def virtual(self, *args): qs = self need_collection = False related = [] from telemeta.models import Location for f in args: if f == 'apparent_collector': if not 'sqlite3' in engine and not 'postgresql_psycopg2' in engine: related.append('collection') qs = qs.extra(select={f: 'IF(collector_from_collection, ' 'IF(media_collections.collector_is_creator, ' 'media_collections.creator, ' 'media_collections.collector),' 'media_items.collector)'}) elif f == 'country_or_continent': related.append('location') if not 'sqlite3' in engine and not 'postgresql_psycopg2' in engine: qs = qs.extra(select={f: 'IF(locations.type = ' + str(Location.COUNTRY) + ' ' 'OR locations.type = ' + str(Location.CONTINENT) + ',' ', ' '(SELECT FROM location_relations AS r INNER JOIN locations AS l2 ' 'ON r.ancestor_location_id = ' 'WHERE r.location_id = media_items.location_id AND l2.type = ' + str(Location.COUNTRY) + ' LIMIT 1))' }) else: raise Exception("Unsupported virtual field: %s" % f) if related: qs = qs.select_related(*related) return qs def ethnic_groups(self): ids = self.filter(ethnic_group__isnull=False).values('ethnic_group'); return EthnicGroup.objects.filter(pk__in=ids) @staticmethod def by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern): return (word_search_q('collection__creator', pattern) | word_search_q('collection__collector', pattern) | word_search_q('collector', pattern)) def by_fuzzy_collector(self, pattern): return self.filter(self.by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern)) def sound(self): return self.filter(Q(file__contains='/') | Q(url__contains='/')) def sound_public(self): return self.filter(Q(file__contains='/') | Q(url__contains='/'), public_access='full', collection__public_access='full') def by_instrument(self, name): "Find items by instrument" from telemeta.models.instrument import Instrument, InstrumentAlias from telemeta.models.item import MediaItemPerformance instruments = Instrument.objects.filter(name__icontains=name) aliases = InstrumentAlias.objects.filter(name__icontains=name) perf = [] performances = MediaItemPerformance.objects.filter(Q(instrument__in=instruments) | Q(alias__in=aliases)) for performance in performances: perf.append(performance) return self.filter(performances__in=perf).distinct()
Ancestors (in MRO)
- MediaItemQuerySet
- telemeta.models.core.CoreQuerySet
- telemeta.models.core.EnhancedQuerySet
- django.db.models.query.QuerySet
- __builtin__.object
Class variables
var value_annotation
Static methods
def by_fuzzy_collector_q(
@staticmethod def by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern): return (word_search_q('collection__creator', pattern) | word_search_q('collection__collector', pattern) | word_search_q('collector', pattern))
Instance variables
var db
Return the database that will be used if this query is executed now
var ordered
Returns True if the QuerySet is ordered -- i.e. has an order_by() clause or a default ordering on the model.
def __init__(
self, model=None, query=None, using=None)
def __init__(self, model=None, query=None, using=None): self.model = model self._db = using self.query = query or sql.Query(self.model) self._result_cache = None self._sticky_filter = False self._for_write = False self._prefetch_related_lookups = [] self._prefetch_done = False self._known_related_objects = {} # {rel_field, {pk: rel_obj}}
def aggregate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a dictionary containing the calculations (aggregation) over the current queryset
If args is present the expression is passed as a kwarg using the Aggregate object's default alias.
def aggregate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a dictionary containing the calculations (aggregation) over the current queryset If args is present the expression is passed as a kwarg using the Aggregate object's default alias. """ if self.query.distinct_fields: raise NotImplementedError("aggregate() + distinct(fields) not implemented.") for arg in args: kwargs[arg.default_alias] = arg query = self.query.clone() for (alias, aggregate_expr) in kwargs.items(): query.add_aggregate(aggregate_expr, self.model, alias, is_summary=True) return query.get_aggregation(using=self.db)
def all(
Returns a new QuerySet that is a copy of the current one. This allows a QuerySet to proxy for a model manager in some cases.
def all(self): """ Returns a new QuerySet that is a copy of the current one. This allows a QuerySet to proxy for a model manager in some cases. """ return self._clone()
def annotate(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Return a query set in which the returned objects have been annotated with data aggregated from related fields.
def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return a query set in which the returned objects have been annotated with data aggregated from related fields. """ for arg in args: if arg.default_alias in kwargs: raise ValueError("The named annotation '%s' conflicts with the " "default name for another annotation." % arg.default_alias) kwargs[arg.default_alias] = arg names = getattr(self, '_fields', None) if names is None: names = set(self.model._meta.get_all_field_names()) for aggregate in kwargs: if aggregate in names: raise ValueError("The annotation '%s' conflicts with a field on " "the model." % aggregate) obj = self._clone() obj._setup_aggregate_query(list(kwargs)) # Add the aggregates to the query for (alias, aggregate_expr) in kwargs.items(): obj.query.add_aggregate(aggregate_expr, self.model, alias, is_summary=False) return obj
def bulk_create(
self, objs, batch_size=None)
Inserts each of the instances into the database. This does not call save() on each of the instances, does not send any pre/post save signals, and does not set the primary key attribute if it is an autoincrement field.
def bulk_create(self, objs, batch_size=None): """ Inserts each of the instances into the database. This does *not* call save() on each of the instances, does not send any pre/post save signals, and does not set the primary key attribute if it is an autoincrement field. """ # So this case is fun. When you bulk insert you don't get the primary # keys back (if it's an autoincrement), so you can't insert into the # child tables which references this. There are two workarounds, 1) # this could be implemented if you didn't have an autoincrement pk, # and 2) you could do it by doing O(n) normal inserts into the parent # tables to get the primary keys back, and then doing a single bulk # insert into the childmost table. Some databases might allow doing # this by using RETURNING clause for the insert query. We're punting # on these for now because they are relatively rare cases. assert batch_size is None or batch_size > 0 if self.model._meta.parents: raise ValueError("Can't bulk create an inherited model") if not objs: return objs self._for_write = True connection = connections[self.db] fields = self.model._meta.local_concrete_fields with transaction.commit_on_success_unless_managed(using=self.db): if (connection.features.can_combine_inserts_with_and_without_auto_increment_pk and self.model._meta.has_auto_field): self._batched_insert(objs, fields, batch_size) else: objs_with_pk, objs_without_pk = partition(lambda o: is None, objs) if objs_with_pk: self._batched_insert(objs_with_pk, fields, batch_size) if objs_without_pk: fields= [f for f in fields if not isinstance(f, AutoField)] self._batched_insert(objs_without_pk, fields, batch_size) return objs
def by_change_time(
self, from_time=None, until_time=None)
Find items by last change time
def by_change_time(self, from_time = None, until_time = None): "Find items by last change time" return self._by_change_time('item', from_time, until_time)
def by_fuzzy_collector(
self, pattern)
def by_fuzzy_collector(self, pattern): return self.filter(self.by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern))
def by_instrument(
self, name)
Find items by instrument
def by_instrument(self, name): "Find items by instrument" from telemeta.models.instrument import Instrument, InstrumentAlias from telemeta.models.item import MediaItemPerformance instruments = Instrument.objects.filter(name__icontains=name) aliases = InstrumentAlias.objects.filter(name__icontains=name) perf = [] performances = MediaItemPerformance.objects.filter(Q(instrument__in=instruments) | Q(alias__in=aliases)) for performance in performances: perf.append(performance) return self.filter(performances__in=perf).distinct()
def by_location(
self, location)
Find items by location
def by_location(self, location): "Find items by location" return self.filter(location__in=location.apparented())
def by_public_id(
self, public_id)
Find items by public_id
def by_public_id(self, public_id): "Find items by public_id" return self.filter(public_id=public_id)
def by_publish_year(
self, from_year, to_year=None)
Find items by publishing year
def by_publish_year(self, from_year, to_year = None): "Find items by publishing year" if to_year is None: to_year = from_year return self.filter(collection__year_published__range=(from_year, to_year))
def by_recording_date(
self, from_date, to_date=None)
Find items by recording date
def by_recording_date(self, from_date, to_date = None): "Find items by recording date" if to_date is None: return (self.filter(recorded_from_date__lte=from_date, recorded_to_date__gte=from_date)) else : return (self.filter(Q(recorded_from_date__range=(from_date, to_date)) | Q(recorded_to_date__range=(from_date, to_date))))
def by_title(
self, pattern)
Find items by title
def by_title(self, pattern): "Find items by title" # to (sort of) sync with return self.filter(word_search_q("title", pattern) | (Q(title="") & word_search_q("collection__title", pattern)))
def complex_filter(
self, filter_obj)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with filter_obj added to the filters.
filter_obj can be a Q object (or anything with an add_to_query() method) or a dictionary of keyword lookup arguments.
This exists to support framework features such as 'limit_choices_to', and usually it will be more natural to use other methods.
def complex_filter(self, filter_obj): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with filter_obj added to the filters. filter_obj can be a Q object (or anything with an add_to_query() method) or a dictionary of keyword lookup arguments. This exists to support framework features such as 'limit_choices_to', and usually it will be more natural to use other methods. """ if isinstance(filter_obj, Q) or hasattr(filter_obj, 'add_to_query'): clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_q(filter_obj) return clone else: return self._filter_or_exclude(None, **filter_obj)
def count(
Performs a SELECT COUNT() and returns the number of records as an integer.
If the QuerySet is already fully cached this simply returns the length of the cached results set to avoid multiple SELECT COUNT(*) calls.
def count(self): """ Performs a SELECT COUNT() and returns the number of records as an integer. If the QuerySet is already fully cached this simply returns the length of the cached results set to avoid multiple SELECT COUNT(*) calls. """ if self._result_cache is not None: return len(self._result_cache) return self.query.get_count(using=self.db)
def countries(
self, group_by_continent=False)
def countries(self, group_by_continent=False): countries = [] from telemeta.models import Location for id in self.filter(location__isnull=False).values_list('location', flat=True).distinct(): location = Location.objects.get(pk=id) for l in location.countries(): c = l.current_location if not c in countries: countries.append(c) if group_by_continent: grouped = {} for country in countries: for continent in country.continents(): if not grouped.has_key(continent): grouped[continent] = [] grouped[continent].append(country) keys = grouped.keys() keys.sort(self.__name_cmp) ordered = [] for c in keys: grouped[c].sort(self.__name_cmp) ordered.append({'continent': c, 'countries': grouped[c]}) countries = ordered else: countries.sort(self.__name_cmp) return countries
def create(
self, **kwargs)
Creates a new object with the given kwargs, saving it to the database and returning the created object.
def create(self, **kwargs): """ Creates a new object with the given kwargs, saving it to the database and returning the created object. """ obj = self.model(**kwargs) self._for_write = True, using=self.db) return obj
def dates(
self, field_name, kind, order='ASC')
Returns a list of date objects representing all available dates for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'.
def dates(self, field_name, kind, order='ASC'): """ Returns a list of date objects representing all available dates for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'. """ assert kind in ("year", "month", "day"), \ "'kind' must be one of 'year', 'month' or 'day'." assert order in ('ASC', 'DESC'), \ "'order' must be either 'ASC' or 'DESC'." return self._clone(klass=DateQuerySet, setup=True, _field_name=field_name, _kind=kind, _order=order)
def datetimes(
self, field_name, kind, order='ASC', tzinfo=None)
Returns a list of datetime objects representing all available datetimes for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'.
def datetimes(self, field_name, kind, order='ASC', tzinfo=None): """ Returns a list of datetime objects representing all available datetimes for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'. """ assert kind in ("year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"), \ "'kind' must be one of 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute' or 'second'." assert order in ('ASC', 'DESC'), \ "'order' must be either 'ASC' or 'DESC'." if settings.USE_TZ: if tzinfo is None: tzinfo = timezone.get_current_timezone() else: tzinfo = None return self._clone(klass=DateTimeQuerySet, setup=True, _field_name=field_name, _kind=kind, _order=order, _tzinfo=tzinfo)
def defer(
self, *fields)
Defers the loading of data for certain fields until they are accessed. The set of fields to defer is added to any existing set of deferred fields. The only exception to this is if None is passed in as the only parameter, in which case all deferrals are removed (None acts as a reset option).
def defer(self, *fields): """ Defers the loading of data for certain fields until they are accessed. The set of fields to defer is added to any existing set of deferred fields. The only exception to this is if None is passed in as the only parameter, in which case all deferrals are removed (None acts as a reset option). """ clone = self._clone() if fields == (None,): clone.query.clear_deferred_loading() else: clone.query.add_deferred_loading(fields) return clone
def delete(
def delete(self): CHUNK=1024 objects = self.model._meta.get_all_related_objects() ii = self.count() values = self.values_list('pk') for related in objects: i = 0 while i < ii: ids = [v[0] for v in values[i:i + CHUNK]] filter = { + '__pk__in': ids} q = related.model.objects.filter(**filter) if isinstance(related.field, WeakForeignKey): update = { None} q.update(**update) else: q.delete() i += CHUNK super(EnhancedQuerySet, self).delete()
def distinct(
self, *field_names)
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select only distinct results.
def distinct(self, *field_names): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select only distinct results. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot create distinct fields once a slice has been taken." obj = self._clone() obj.query.add_distinct_fields(*field_names) return obj
def earliest(
self, field_name=None)
def earliest(self, field_name=None): return self._earliest_or_latest(field_name=field_name, direction="")
def ethnic_groups(
def ethnic_groups(self): ids = self.filter(ethnic_group__isnull=False).values('ethnic_group'); return EthnicGroup.objects.filter(pk__in=ids)
def exclude(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with NOT (args) ANDed to the existing set.
def exclude(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with NOT (args) ANDed to the existing set. """ return self._filter_or_exclude(True, *args, **kwargs)
def exists(
def exists(self): if self._result_cache is None: return self.query.has_results(using=self.db) return bool(self._result_cache)
def extra(
self, select=None, where=None, params=None, tables=None, order_by=None, select_params=None)
Adds extra SQL fragments to the query.
def extra(self, select=None, where=None, params=None, tables=None, order_by=None, select_params=None): """ Adds extra SQL fragments to the query. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot change a query once a slice has been taken" clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_extra(select, select_params, where, params, tables, order_by) return clone
def filter(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with the args ANDed to the existing set.
def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with the args ANDed to the existing set. """ return self._filter_or_exclude(False, *args, **kwargs)
def first(
Returns the first object of a query, returns None if no match is found.
def first(self): """ Returns the first object of a query, returns None if no match is found. """ qs = self if self.ordered else self.order_by('pk') try: return qs[0] except IndexError: return None
def get(
self, *args, **kwargs)
Performs the query and returns a single object matching the given keyword arguments.
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Performs the query and returns a single object matching the given keyword arguments. """ clone = self.filter(*args, **kwargs) if self.query.can_filter(): clone = clone.order_by() num = len(clone) if num == 1: return clone._result_cache[0] if not num: raise self.model.DoesNotExist( "%s matching query does not exist." % self.model._meta.object_name) raise self.model.MultipleObjectsReturned( "get() returned more than one %s -- it returned %s!" % (self.model._meta.object_name, num))
def get_or_create(
self, **kwargs)
Looks up an object with the given kwargs, creating one if necessary. Returns a tuple of (object, created), where created is a boolean specifying whether an object was created.
def get_or_create(self, **kwargs): """ Looks up an object with the given kwargs, creating one if necessary. Returns a tuple of (object, created), where created is a boolean specifying whether an object was created. """ defaults = kwargs.pop('defaults', {}) lookup = kwargs.copy() for f in self.model._meta.fields: if f.attname in lookup: lookup[] = lookup.pop(f.attname) try: self._for_write = True return self.get(**lookup), False except self.model.DoesNotExist: try: params = dict((k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if LOOKUP_SEP not in k) params.update(defaults) obj = self.model(**params) with transaction.atomic(using=self.db):, using=self.db) return obj, True except DatabaseError: exc_info = sys.exc_info() try: return self.get(**lookup), False except self.model.DoesNotExist: # Re-raise the DatabaseError with its original traceback. six.reraise(*exc_info)
def in_bulk(
self, id_list)
Returns a dictionary mapping each of the given IDs to the object with that ID.
def in_bulk(self, id_list): """ Returns a dictionary mapping each of the given IDs to the object with that ID. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot use 'limit' or 'offset' with in_bulk" if not id_list: return {} qs = self.filter(pk__in=id_list).order_by() return dict([(obj._get_pk_val(), obj) for obj in qs])
def iterator(
An iterator over the results from applying this QuerySet to the database.
def iterator(self): """ An iterator over the results from applying this QuerySet to the database. """ fill_cache = False if connections[self.db].features.supports_select_related: fill_cache = self.query.select_related if isinstance(fill_cache, dict): requested = fill_cache else: requested = None max_depth = self.query.max_depth extra_select = list(self.query.extra_select) aggregate_select = list(self.query.aggregate_select) only_load = self.query.get_loaded_field_names() if not fill_cache: fields = self.model._meta.concrete_fields load_fields = [] # If only/defer clauses have been specified, # build the list of fields that are to be loaded. if only_load: for field, model in self.model._meta.get_concrete_fields_with_model(): if model is None: model = self.model try: if in only_load[model]: # Add a field that has been explicitly included load_fields.append( except KeyError: # Model wasn't explicitly listed in the only_load table # Therefore, we need to load all fields from this model load_fields.append( index_start = len(extra_select) aggregate_start = index_start + len(load_fields or self.model._meta.concrete_fields) skip = None if load_fields and not fill_cache: # Some fields have been deferred, so we have to initialise # via keyword arguments. skip = set() init_list = [] for field in fields: if not in load_fields: skip.add(field.attname) else: init_list.append(field.attname) model_cls = deferred_class_factory(self.model, skip) # Cache db and model outside the loop db = self.db model = self.model compiler = self.query.get_compiler(using=db) if fill_cache: klass_info = get_klass_info(model, max_depth=max_depth, requested=requested, only_load=only_load) for row in compiler.results_iter(): if fill_cache: obj, _ = get_cached_row(row, index_start, db, klass_info, offset=len(aggregate_select)) else: # Omit aggregates in object creation. row_data = row[index_start:aggregate_start] if skip: obj = model_cls(**dict(zip(init_list, row_data))) else: obj = model(*row_data) # Store the source database of the object obj._state.db = db # This object came from the database; it's not being added. obj._state.adding = False if extra_select: for i, k in enumerate(extra_select): setattr(obj, k, row[i]) # Add the aggregates to the model if aggregate_select: for i, aggregate in enumerate(aggregate_select): setattr(obj, aggregate, row[i + aggregate_start]) # Add the known related objects to the model, if there are any if self._known_related_objects: for field, rel_objs in self._known_related_objects.items(): # Avoid overwriting objects loaded e.g. by select_related if hasattr(obj, field.get_cache_name()): continue pk = getattr(obj, field.get_attname()) try: rel_obj = rel_objs[pk] except KeyError: pass # may happen in qs1 | qs2 scenarios else: setattr(obj,, rel_obj) yield obj
def last(
Returns the last object of a query, returns None if no match is found.
def last(self): """ Returns the last object of a query, returns None if no match is found. """ qs = self.reverse() if self.ordered else self.order_by('-pk') try: return qs[0] except IndexError: return None
def latest(
self, field_name=None)
def latest(self, field_name=None): return self._earliest_or_latest(field_name=field_name, direction="-")
def locations(
def locations(self): from telemeta.models import Location, LocationRelation l = self.values('location') c = self.values('location__current_location') r = LocationRelation.objects.filter(location__in=l).values('ancestor_location') return Location.objects.filter(Q(pk__in=l) | Q(pk__in=r) | Q(pk__in=c))
def none(
Return an empty result set
def none(self): # redundant with none() in recent Django svn "Return an empty result set" return self.extra(where = ["0 = 1"])
def only(
self, *fields)
Essentially, the opposite of defer. Only the fields passed into this method and that are not already specified as deferred are loaded immediately when the queryset is evaluated.
def only(self, *fields): """ Essentially, the opposite of defer. Only the fields passed into this method and that are not already specified as deferred are loaded immediately when the queryset is evaluated. """ if fields == (None,): # Can only pass None to defer(), not only(), as the rest option. # That won't stop people trying to do this, so let's be explicit. raise TypeError("Cannot pass None as an argument to only().") clone = self._clone() clone.query.add_immediate_loading(fields) return clone
def order_by(
self, *field_names)
Returns a new QuerySet instance with the ordering changed.
def order_by(self, *field_names): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance with the ordering changed. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot reorder a query once a slice has been taken." obj = self._clone() obj.query.clear_ordering(force_empty=False) obj.query.add_ordering(*field_names) return obj
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will prefetch the specified Many-To-One and Many-To-Many related objects when the QuerySet is evaluated.
When prefetch_related() is called more than once, the list of lookups to prefetch is appended to. If prefetch_related(None) is called, the the list is cleared.
def quick_search(
self, pattern)
Perform a quick search on code, title and collector name
def quick_search(self, pattern): "Perform a quick search on code, title and collector name" # from import MediaItem # pattern = pattern.strip() # mod = MediaItem() # fields = mod.to_dict() # keys = fields.keys() # q = self.by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern) # for field in keys: # field_str = str(mod._meta.get_field(field)) # if 'CharField' in field_str or 'TextField' in field_str: # q = q | word_search_q(field, pattern) q = ( Q(code__contains=pattern) | Q(old_code__contains=pattern) | word_search_q('title', pattern) | word_search_q('comment', pattern) | self.by_fuzzy_collector_q(pattern) ) return self.filter(q)
def reverse(
Reverses the ordering of the QuerySet.
def reverse(self): """ Reverses the ordering of the QuerySet. """ clone = self._clone() clone.query.standard_ordering = not clone.query.standard_ordering return clone
def select_for_update(
self, **kwargs)
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select objects with a FOR UPDATE lock.
def select_for_update(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select objects with a FOR UPDATE lock. """ # Default to false for nowait nowait = kwargs.pop('nowait', False) obj = self._clone() obj._for_write = True obj.query.select_for_update = True obj.query.select_for_update_nowait = nowait return obj
Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select related objects.
If fields are specified, they must be ForeignKey fields and only those related objects are included in the selection.
If select_related(None) is called, the list is cleared.
def sound(
def sound(self): return self.filter(Q(file__contains='/') | Q(url__contains='/'))
def sound_public(
def sound_public(self): return self.filter(Q(file__contains='/') | Q(url__contains='/'), public_access='full', collection__public_access='full')
def update(
self, **kwargs)
Updates all elements in the current QuerySet, setting all the given fields to the appropriate values.
def update(self, **kwargs): """ Updates all elements in the current QuerySet, setting all the given fields to the appropriate values. """ assert self.query.can_filter(), \ "Cannot update a query once a slice has been taken." self._for_write = True query = self.query.clone(sql.UpdateQuery) query.add_update_values(kwargs) with transaction.commit_on_success_unless_managed(using=self.db): rows = query.get_compiler(self.db).execute_sql(None) self._result_cache = None return rows
def using(
self, alias)
Selects which database this QuerySet should excecute its query against.
def using(self, alias): """ Selects which database this QuerySet should excecute its query against. """ clone = self._clone() clone._db = alias return clone
def values(
self, *fields)
def values(self, *fields): return self._clone(klass=ValuesQuerySet, setup=True, _fields=fields)
def values_list(
self, *fields, **kwargs)
def values_list(self, *fields, **kwargs): flat = kwargs.pop('flat', False) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected keyword arguments to values_list: %s' % (list(kwargs),)) if flat and len(fields) > 1: raise TypeError("'flat' is not valid when values_list is called with more than one field.") return self._clone(klass=ValuesListQuerySet, setup=True, flat=flat, _fields=fields)
def virtual(
self, *args)
def virtual(self, *args): qs = self need_collection = False related = [] from telemeta.models import Location for f in args: if f == 'apparent_collector': if not 'sqlite3' in engine and not 'postgresql_psycopg2' in engine: related.append('collection') qs = qs.extra(select={f: 'IF(collector_from_collection, ' 'IF(media_collections.collector_is_creator, ' 'media_collections.creator, ' 'media_collections.collector),' 'media_items.collector)'}) elif f == 'country_or_continent': related.append('location') if not 'sqlite3' in engine and not 'postgresql_psycopg2' in engine: qs = qs.extra(select={f: 'IF(locations.type = ' + str(Location.COUNTRY) + ' ' 'OR locations.type = ' + str(Location.CONTINENT) + ',' ', ' '(SELECT FROM location_relations AS r INNER JOIN locations AS l2 ' 'ON r.ancestor_location_id = ' 'WHERE r.location_id = media_items.location_id AND l2.type = ' + str(Location.COUNTRY) + ' LIMIT 1))' }) else: raise Exception("Unsupported virtual field: %s" % f) if related: qs = qs.select_related(*related) return qs
def without_collection(
Find items which do not belong to any collection
def without_collection(self): "Find items which do not belong to any collection" return self.extra( where = ["collection_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM media_collections)"]);
def word_search(
self, field, pattern)
def word_search(self, field, pattern): return self.filter(word_search_q(field, pattern))