TimeSide : audio processing framework for the web

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TimeSide is a python framework enabling low and high level audio analysis, imaging, transcoding, streaming and labelling. Its high-level API is designed to enable complex processing on very large datasets of any audio or video assets with a plug-in architecture, a secure scalable backend and an extensible dynamic web frontend.

Use cases

  • Scaled audio computing (filtering, machine learning, etc)
  • Web audio visualization
  • Audio process prototyping
  • Realtime and on-demand transcoding and streaming over the web
  • Automatic segmentation and labelling synchronized with audio events


  • Do asynchronous and fast audio processing with Python,
  • Decode audio frames from any audio or video media format into numpy arrays,
  • Analyze audio content with some state-of-the-art audio feature extraction libraries like Aubio, Yaafe and VAMP as well as some pure python processors
  • Visualize sounds with various fancy waveforms, spectrograms and other cool graphers,
  • Transcode audio data in various media formats and stream them through web apps,
  • Serialize feature analysis data through various portable formats,
  • Playback and interact on demand through a smart high-level HTML5 extensible player,
  • Index, tag and annotate audio archives with semantic metadata (see Telemeta which embed TimeSide).
  • Deploy and scale your own audio processing engine through any infrastructure

Funding and support

To fund the project and continue our fast development process, we need your explicit support. So if you use TimeSide in production or even in a development or experimental setup, please let us know by:

Thanks for your help!